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Tisheena V. Manzana 2007.05.01 07:11 AM

little tishenita
hi there all of you. isee familiar faces xD!
i'm tishena manzana from the old forums. my second name now it's "vitamins". so i'm tisheena vitamins manzana. hmm. yeah. let's see~
i draw a lot, i have a deviantart where i upload my drawings and stuff (tisheenamanzana.deviantart.com). and i translate to spanish, Sarah's translations (just Ringo's). my site it's haiiro no hitomi (http://shiinaringo.artes.net.ar), currently i'm doing the shiina ringo's solo songs translations, and my friend el pato interior is doing tokyo jihens : ). wll i don't know xD. I'm 17 years old and im argentinian. and alalalala~ see you all around!!!!!

badtzmaru 2007.05.01 10:59 AM

Yaaaay!!!! *huggles* We were wondering where you were!! It's good to see you again! :D

Ohh, why is your second name 'vitamins' now? o_o

frecklegirl 2007.05.01 03:28 PM

yay Tisheena!!! Glad you're finally here :)

Tisheena V. Manzana 2007.05.04 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by badtzmaru (Post 3442)
Yaaaay!!!! *huggles* We were wondering where you were!! It's good to see you again! :D

Ohh, why is your second name 'vitamins' now? o_o

haha you're too cute *hugs*

vitamins, well... you know holden caulfield (the catcher in the rye)? well, there is the anwer xD (his fake second name was vitamins~). also because i call myself an apple (like some ringo fans xD) but in spanish...and i don't know. it's something not so wise actually.
thank you Badtzmaru<3!!!

and thank you Sarah!! so great to hear you're admin!! you rock girl, you know. and thank you for letting me know about this forum. kisses!

oh my. this is such a different forum. pretty cool. lots of controls new. yay~

frecklegirl 2007.05.04 03:21 PM

Oooh, lots of updates on your site, Tisheena. But I don't see the HF link, where is it?

Also I've got some suggestions on your translations, as always. XD I'll send it in an email. yay, great job as always though :) [I'd write more in Spanish but my brain's full of French, I can't!!]

JimmyKoria 2007.05.04 07:45 PM

: waves : :]

justriiingo 2007.05.05 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by JimmyKoria (Post 3884)
: waves : :]

how very distant. but welcome! :D

arutea 2007.05.05 10:32 PM

Waw there's really a lot of members here! :lol:

My name's Althea and I live in Sydney. I'm turning 21 next week and I study Digital Media at COFA. I've been an SR fan since 2004... TJ fan since... I found out they existed. >.> I can't remember when.

I tend to like rock and jazz music... Gorillaz, George and Stringmansassy are among my other favourites.

I'm not entirely new to this (newer SR) forum.. I've just been busy but now I'm doing some severe procrastinating... so I'm posting whereever the hell I can... I found this forum I think cuz I got an email from the friendster SR/TJ group...

Doomo minna-san~

k3nj1kun 2007.05.06 11:27 PM

hey everyone!
im the latest newbie on the forum!
just saying hi!

i love marunouchi sadistic!
i learned how to play some of the chords just listening to it for the first time!

justriiingo 2007.05.07 02:41 AM

welcome :)

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