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alleon86 2007.11.27 12:28 AM

im surprise bmg is letting him release another album ..

baboo 2007.11.27 04:58 AM

Thanks for the news. So cool! I have one more thing to add in my cart next year already!

ChickShhh 2007.11.27 06:30 AM

definitely look forward to

but please

sing less
play more

Ladymercury 2007.11.27 07:45 AM

LOL. Listening to his first album again he's not that bad when he actually sings (relisten to Kimi to Aruiteku) XD But yar... sing more, scream less, play a lot more.

purin 2007.11.27 12:18 PM

I don't think his voice is that bad. There's a lot more male Japanese singers that have really bad voices. They seem to try too hard when they're singing, but HZM doesn't really try too hard. His voice isn't the best, but it's nice. Sometimes weird, but still nice. ^.^

Ladymercury 2007.11.27 04:19 PM

I just drove to Orlando an hour ago (in a hotel now) and listened to his entire album again and I have to say that it seems like he was experimenting more than actually putting an effort on singing.

So that's what I'll like to look at him from now on -- Just an artist experimenting. Cause there was songs that he sounded great on but others was really ... oooooooooookay.

ShadyNook 2007.12.05 10:54 PM

I thought his album was okay. It was too pop-ish for PEZ. I think of it as a haven for the songs that didn't fit with the band rather than Masa trying to establish himself as a solo act.

Wataru writes the bulk of PEZ material, so its good HZM has this opportunity to express himself. I bought a korg x50 because of the guy. crappy feeling keyboard, btw.

Ladymercury 2007.12.06 08:35 AM

Eh, I don't even tie PE'Z to H ZETT M. Like how I don't tie HZM to PE'Z. Just Hiizumi. I'm sure Hiizumi had no intentions of writing Piano Its My Life for PE'Z. lol

El Fearless Leader Wataru does give Hiizumi some writing room, I mean, Suzumushi was easily spread apart writing wise. Kinda. Well, all my favorite songs from the album were Hiizumi written songs.

Migoto 2007.12.21 02:18 PM

The video for the song "Good Savage" is available on iTunes since don't-know-when. ;)

pariscombo 2007.12.24 05:42 AM

H Zett M - Good Savage

I didn't like his solo album much, but this video makes me want to buy live DVD.

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