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Ladymercury 2007.12.24 08:14 AM



.... Wow.

Maybe if I subtracted the vocals....

ShadyNook 2008.01.15 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by pariscombo (Post 22435)
H Zett M - Good Savage

I didn't like his solo album much, but this video makes me want to buy live DVD.

Dynamite Out stage + megaphone. :lol:

Imagine that song could have been a Variety song.

Migoto 2008.01.16 05:33 AM

Maybe not... I'm almost sure it was written on iTunes or somewhere else that Good Savage is a cover (don't know the original band though).

ShadyNook 2008.01.17 03:05 PM

whoever the original band is, I want to check out more of their stuff!

I c h i r o 2008.01.19 10:00 AM

Same here
I'm still looking for his music >_<
I really want to check out his work

Glathannus 2008.02.08 07:40 AM

CD Japan says that my CD+DVD edition of Pianohead is "In Shipping Process" (it doesn't officially get released until February 13). Now, going by previous history, they'll be saying that for nearly a whole day, so...

That means my copy of the album is getting shipped this Saturday at the latest. Then it's in my hands on Tuesday or Wednesday. I don't receive CD Japan shipments as quickly as some of the other Americans of this community, because I live in a rural area that automatically adds one whole day onto deliveries, but that's still pretty fast.

What's interesting to note is that the concert DVD and the album have different publishers. So anyone who ordered the DVD from CD Japan might get slowed down if Apart Records (same publisher of the recent Kizashi volumes from PE'Z) isn't as fast of a supplier as Sony BMG. The thing about Apart Records is that when they declare First-Press or Limited availability to CD Japan, it's no exaggeration - it sells out fast. CD Japan sold out their quota on Pianoise three weeks prior to release! So I had to order Pianoise from HMV Japan (who hasn't indicated anything yet about shipping it out), and hope they don't tell me at the last minute that they overquoted their supply (they usually reserve larger batches from the publisher from the very beginning though).

I wonder what kind of influences have gone into Pianohead. I could hear Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra vibes in Bedroom de Tobihaneru (at least at the beginning), but then that song changes gear into pop, then eventually epic classical...

I'm looking very forward to hearing this latest batch of releases.

purin 2008.02.14 06:10 PM

I just order a copy of Pianoise is Osaka on amazon.co.jp, I think I might get it next week.

Someone on Youtube (emiemi0710) has upload some videos from the DVD. It's just as I expected; entertaining, great music, all over the place, funny, energetic. He's always been better to hear and see live. An awesome performance from him as usual and everyone else is his band. I can't wait for my DVD to come.

Piano is my life - http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ssk4yZoBmG4

Here's one where he shows some of his crazy antics. XD The band is introduced after the song too.
Namae wo kaku - http://youtube.com/watch?v=uTvVQcxECdU

This is a nice one, he even conducts a little orchastra.
Haraheri inu - http://youtube.com/watch?v=lFwYq3ayA0Q

Nimh 2008.02.15 03:36 PM

So if I just run up to a piano and slam my fingers down in fast motion over a set of random keys, would I, for maybe about .5 seconds here or there, sound exactly like HZM?

ChickShhh 2008.02.15 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by NIMH Rat (Post 24981)
So if I just run up to a piano and slam my fingers down in fast motion over a set of random keys, would I, for maybe about .5 seconds here or there, sound exactly like HZM?

I have just tried it minutes ago :(

alleon86 2008.02.16 10:16 AM

i love this guy... but he cant sing and should stay away from expressive ballads.

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