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makenshiww 2009.06.22 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by fluffiethesock (Post 57734)
I guess this isn't really the best reason to call out of work, right? :B

Im sure it qualifies -_-

MagicSword! 2009.06.22 03:37 AM

I'm in Sapporo and I had a hunt around town today but it wasn't on the shelves yet even in the couple of non-chain stores I tried. Cruel anticipation!

I think Tower and HMV had it down for a Wednesday release, but Gyokkodo say they're selling it tomorrow... and there's a Gyokkodo near my appartment... maybe I can get down there before work?

makenshiww 2009.06.22 03:41 AM

^wow. Im surprised you havent found it yet. The only reason im not too worried Is cause its coming in the mail. But the wait is tooo much.

But I wouldnt think that big places like tower or HMV would have it out early. I would expect they follow the rules? =o

lazer85 2009.06.22 03:43 AM

The girl at Tsutaya told me they can sell it the night before a few hours before closing, I think it works that way in the states too. But buy it at the local place cause local businesses suck a lot less ass. Speaking of Coheed and Cambria, One of these ringo tracks TOTALLY sounds like ringo does coheed and cambia, i forget which one.

MagicSword! 2009.06.22 03:44 AM

Yeah, I know! I didn't expect Tower or HMV to put it out, but I kind of expected one of the smaller places to. But nowhere seemed to have it :(

But then again Sapporo isn't exactly loaded with indie record stores like Tokyo is.

lazer85 2009.06.22 04:10 AM

I'm in saitama and we just have an enka store that caries enka and stuff thats bound to be top 10 pop/rock and 4 tsutayas. Most places in tokyo don't have too many indie cd shops, The moster companies are way too aggressive in exterminating variety from the marketplace in attempts at becoming rich enough to expand into another unrelated field like garbage dumping (My milk is made by the same company that owns the subway line I ride every day and the same company that picks up my trash, it's fucking absurd but it's either get milk from them or from the Alcohol/newspaper company that only produces SHIT....actually I only drink it because its free at work).

makenshiww 2009.06.22 04:20 AM

hm. I wonder if pouting soo much is going to make a difference. I feel like this thread is being throughly watched. by like.. everyone basically. I can imagine people just sitting and waiting. It makes me wanna die. haha

with my frantic search.
Futari.. full I think. can be heard here

^My god. I just noticed thats orenjis page. Is it the same one from here?

EmilScherbe 2009.06.22 04:21 AM

I wanna see comparing her English to internationally recognized
non English native musicans than other crappy J-pops.

makenshiww 2009.06.22 04:27 AM

Its true. Her english isnt really that bad I think.

But I think its a bit funny that.

Her english was a bit easier to understand back then

Scribble R 2009.06.22 04:51 AM

I knew Vogue would be awesome.

If this album is full of tracks that you can nod your head to/'dance' to BUT WITH A SHIINA EDGE, then that makes up for the fact that it isn't a totally serious/dark album.

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