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kuro_neko 2009.11.28 03:51 PM

I'm thinking the new ringohan letter going out on Dec. 1 is going to have album details, and I think that the album is going to get released around the end of January and start of February. They can't space it too far out from the single unless they plan on releasing a second single, so I'd betting that they will pick something around the Jan. 27 mark. Either way, I don't think we get any more information other than an album name and date, full track listing and details probably won't come out until much later, possible not until January.

Scribble R 2009.11.28 04:24 PM


kuro_neko 2009.11.28 10:31 PM

interesting comments in this thread on youtube:


someone said Yuki's vocals sound a bit like Ringo's here (I think they mean the lyrics and way of speaking, not the vocal style) and someone kind of bitchy wrote that if you wanted to be correct its Ringo who resembles Yuki (I completely disagree, even JAM Yuki has almost nothing in common to Ringo..)

in case anyone is wondering the video is the full single for YUKI's latest, Cosmic Box, with the b-side, a Christmas song called Message.

Scribble R 2009.11.29 12:16 AM

Not really single related, but I found this pic...lol

In other news, Tokyo Jihen will be appearing on CDTV on Sunday Dec 6 (http://www.tbs.co.jp/tv/daily/20091206.html

a_grumble_cake 2009.11.29 05:19 AM

I thought Ringo looked great on MS. I didn't mention this before but I think she looks way old and washed out in the new PV.

s3r3nity 2009.11.29 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by kuro_neko (Post 65074)
interesting comments in this thread on youtube:


someone said Yuki's vocals sound a bit like Ringo's here (I think they mean the lyrics and way of speaking, not the vocal style) and someone kind of bitchy wrote that if you wanted to be correct its Ringo who resembles Yuki (I completely disagree, even JAM Yuki has almost nothing in common to Ringo..)

in case anyone is wondering the video is the full single for YUKI's latest, Cosmic Box, with the b-side, a Christmas song called Message.

When I first was getting into Ringo, I remember thinking that she was similar to YUKI, who I was a big fan of at the time. After hearing more of Ringo I completely changed my mind, but say, Killer Tune can be compared to the sort of jarring vocals that YUKI has. The biggest difference for me though is that Ringo does a lot of different stuff with her voice. I love YUKI, but she rarely goes anywhere but highpitched whining, while Ringo makes highpitched whining the exception and not the rule. I'm making a lot of generalizations here though. >>

Scribble R 2009.11.29 10:18 AM

I remember going through the Killer Tune thread and people comparing YUKI's image in the PV with Ringo's.

kuro_neko 2009.11.29 01:48 PM

its the shame sort of shallow comparison that people make between Utada and Ringo or Bjork and Ringo in the Western music industry, its just like they don't know what to do with these girls on the fringe of the pop genre who make unconventional music. I mean if you compare YUKI's music to Ringo's, the similarities end pretty quick, and when you trace her career back to the days when she was creating rock music, it still was nothing like Ringo. Ringo lays outside cultural lines, but with YUKI, something about her musical composition screams Japanese pop to me. Just something about the way the melodies flow and the way the songs are constructed and produced. I think since Ringo has decided to keep her music almost entirely organic for the most part, that makes a huge difference (meaning, she chooses to write and record primarily using instruments over computerization).

Entryâ„–1 2009.11.29 07:39 PM

^ I don't think it matters whether or not a song is composed on paper or through computer... There are many different forms of musical notation. The important thing is that a song is original and well thought-out, especially to the artist's standards.
Almost any phenomenon that occurs while writing a song 'organically' with a pen, paper, and keyboard can occur in a software environment as well - 'happy mistakes' and all. Trust me, I've put a whole lot of thought into this, at least in comparing composing with a piano vs. composing with a virtual 'piano roll' interface.

lazer85 2009.11.29 10:17 PM

urggg who cares, where is the second track?

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