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Inseu 2014.12.02 04:15 PM

I miss Izawa. Miss a bunch of people. And I am new fan, arriving two years ago amidst laments that the golden age of Jihen had already faded upon the departure of essential core constituents.

But being blissfully ignorant of the glorys of the golden age, I was quite content listening to and learning from the music from that era that had not been put on the pedestal. And sharing my excitement and enthusiasm with forum members about, say, discovering Ringo flirting with both babydaddys.

It seems now that the Jihen era has passed, with my fave band members gone separate ways, but there are new bright lights in the Japanese music community, and esteemed veterans who occasionally deign to release music. And God. And intelligent new musicians who have fresh perspectives worthy of our attention.

Shiina's truly fantastic new album has revitalized this forum, and my hope is that it continues to be a locus of insight about her music, other Japanese music, and the world in general.

I came here because I liked Shiina Ringo's music. I stayed because I liked the other people who helped making her music.

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