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frecklegirl 2008.07.22 11:58 PM

New Super Mods
Looks like the cat's out of the bag so I'll go ahead and make this official!

First off let me say this decision really has nothing to do with me. I merely approve of it. :)

But please congratulate our two new Super Moderators, Inaudible-Whisper and cjhobbies00!!


Lena-chan 2008.07.23 03:35 AM

yaaaaaaaaayyyyyy whispamon & choobies
whispamon & choobies seems a candy-shop name LoL

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.07.23 04:27 AM


Thanks guys. It was great to even be considered on the first place.


whispamon & choobies seems a candy-shop name LoL
Only you could notice such a thing Lena. It really does :D

cjhobbies00 2008.07.23 06:16 AM

Ty guys, promise to bring my Sword of Justice down on all those Chinese spammers

Ringo~Bingo 2008.07.23 09:32 AM

what's the difference between a Moderator & a Super Moderator ? what powers do you have ?

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.07.23 09:54 AM

I think it was mainly due to the fact that Freckles and NIMH Rat aren't around as often, or not enough to run the place alone. I will mostly be moving & deleting inappropriate threads & posts or threads in the wrong place, banning spammers, uploading external pictures as attachments so they don't die when the external link does and generally keeping things in order. It's more admin work than general policing which, thus far, this place hasn't needed to much of aside from the obvious op2 incident.

Aside from that, we can fly.

Glathannus 2008.07.23 02:24 PM

Regular moderators are given power only over specific subforum(s), which means once they move a post, it's probably out of their jurisdiction. Senior/Super/Global Moderators are given power over posts/threads within all the forums. It's like being an admin who can't change peoples' passwords/emails, or merge/delete accounts, or reorganize the site layout. If a spammer shows up and posts replies in 5 different subforums, a senior moderator could merge it all together into one new trash board thread, in one swoop.

But in any case, kudos to each of you!

Tokyo Jihad 2008.07.23 02:26 PM

Good job, boys.

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.07.23 02:37 PM

Thanks Jihad et Glath :)

badtzmaru 2008.07.23 06:37 PM

Hooray! Congratulations, Whispermon and Choobies!!!! *glomps*

I know you guys will do great, and I feel safe with you guys protecting the forums! You two have already won my heart! :P

I guess Whispermons are like gummy bears, but what about Choobies? @_@

cjhobbies00 2008.07.23 06:45 PM

Choobes = Gummy tigers...or those sour gummy coke bottles, those are tasty.

HEDOfloe 2008.07.23 06:51 PM

This just means more referees trying to hold me down and calling fouls when I didn't even hit the other guy. >=(

cjhobbies00 2008.07.23 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by HEDOfloe (Post 32508)
This just means more referees trying to hold me down and calling fouls when I didn't even hit the other guy. >=(

Damn straight, and I've got my eye on you Hedo. Your on my naughty list, like all Variety defenders.

HEDOfloe 2008.07.23 10:00 PM

Just be on the look out for the alley-oop :ph43r:.

frecklegirl 2008.07.24 07:59 PM

I'm actually around more often than NIHM Rat is, especially lately, but yeah, I can't do everything!

NCORE 2008.07.25 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by Inaudible-Whisper (Post 32482)
Aside from that, we can fly.

with the right candy, we all can!

Congratulations guys :D

Nimh 2008.07.25 08:26 AM

I am around, but my around-ness waxes and wanes, as does Freckles's. And as the membership rises, so does the need for more oversight.

Maou 2008.07.25 11:50 AM

Congrats, duders! :D

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.07.25 12:02 PM

Thank you good sir. Have you decided on a place of residency yet?

Maou 2008.07.25 12:28 PM

Drunk Dorm is getting the most votes. I think Huiii is the only one to vote the other way.

Ringo~Bingo 2008.07.25 06:34 PM

has becoming Super Mods changed how you interact with the forums ?
are you on the look out for violations and such stuff now.. going through all the threads and stuff:lol:

cjhobbies00 2008.07.25 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by ringobingo (Post 32898)
has becoming Super Mods changed how you interact with the forums ?
are you on the look out for violations and such stuff now.. going through all the threads and stuff:lol:

I don't think we do anything differently, glath handles the technical stuff, but now me and Whispa just have the power to do something about violations. Violations as in racist attacks or personal attacks and arguments that get way too intense.

I'm pretty sure me and Big W don't have the time to go through all the threads, especially the ones we care nothing about.

Yeah, your Big W now, accept it.

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.07.25 06:45 PM

The forum is pretty calm usually. It becomes pretty apparent when a 'character' appears, and I kept my eye on them before I was a moderator anyway. As for the genuine posters, it's more of a case of making sure things don't get too out of control and to prevent personal attacking, that sort of thing. I'm not being too vigilant when it comes to policing the forums because it simply isn't the type of place that needs constant policing, but obviously we're not going to let things pass that shouldn't.

waxringo 2008.07.25 07:35 PM

YAY!! Congratulations!!

i'm not here much, but i figured i saw this and i had to pat y'all on the back

cjhobbies00 2008.07.25 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by waxringo (Post 32947)
YAY!! Congratulations!!

i'm not here much, but i figured i saw this and i had to pat y'all on the back

Came on just to say congratulation...that's how tight me and Waxy is. Thx man, hope Shiina comes out with something exciting so that you can come back more often

justriiingo 2008.07.26 12:48 PM

CJ and Whispa are perfect as the new mods.
Congrats guys!

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.07.26 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by justriiingo (Post 33050)
CJ and Whispa are perfect as the new mods.
Congrats guys!

Thank you :) Are you in Spain now then? Hope you're enjoying yourself!

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