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fluffiethesock 2007.05.09 05:12 PM

The Lost Thread
Who's excited for tonight's? I sure am. Actually, I forget what this week's is supposed to be about... but in 48 minutes, I will be a happy man.

ps - if you talk about it, try not to spoil anything for anyone... if that's possible..

Inaudible-Whisper 2007.05.09 06:03 PM

Yes, I do. I am a total Lost geek. I stay up til 5am every Wednesday due to the Atlantic time gap, just to download it. Hardcore! Or sad...

I was contemplating starting a topic myself. This week is a Ben flashback. Should be quite revelatory! Can't wait for the finale. I'm hosting a finale party... everybody has to dress up as a Lost character to enter. I'm Sayid, mostly because my hair is closest to his (Have to curl it though :P). God, we're a sad bunch!

Did you see the announcement that they're doing 3 more 'mini' seasons of 16 episodes each. That leaves 48 more episodes after Season 3 ends, leading up to a Season 6 final finale in 2010.

fluffiethesock 2007.05.09 07:24 PM

WHAT!! That's not enough episodes!

But yeah, WOW... That was perhaps the best episode ever. The craziest, anyway. Next week looks to be insane too. I'm more excited than POOP!!

Inaudible-Whisper 2007.05.09 09:46 PM

Jesus, that was something.

golem09 2007.05.10 12:48 AM

I'm watching it on the German TV. Latest episode was Season 3 Episode 9, the one where we get to know where Jack got his tattoo from.
So far I like episode 8 (Desmond and his story of the key) the most in season 3.
Too bad that they decided to scatter the last two season into three seasons with only 16 episodes each... :o
One year more till we know it all, just because of the marketing

Inaudible-Whisper 2007.05.10 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by golem09 (Post 4480)
I'm watching it on the German TV. Latest episode was Season 3 Episode 9, the one where we get to know where Jack got his tattoo from.
So far I like episode 8 (Desmond and his story of the key) the most in season 3.
Too bad that they decided to scatter the last two season into three seasons with only 16 episodes each... :o
One year more till we know it all, just because of the marketing

It's not just the marketing... people complain about 'filler' episodes, such as the Jack one you've just watched which most agree was the worst of the season. With only 16 episodes a year to work with, the writers can really tighten the scripts and make sure that something worthwhile happens each episode. It gives them a lot more time to plan the story, and now that they have a time frame they can begin plotting exactly where they want to reveal things.

golem09 2007.05.10 11:10 AM

I'm surprised of the overall quality of season 3. After seeing the first half of season 2 I never expected this show to become that good again.
And the Jack fillers don't even bother me anymore since this is one of my most hated chars.
Most hated would be something like this

1. Charlie (Desmond said he would die soon, Oh don't spoil that, please I really hope it's true x_X)
2. Claire (She should get LOST o=)
3. Jack (In the first season I kind of liked him, but everything changed with season 2 and since then Jack didn't stop to fuck me up)

fluffiethesock 2007.05.11 10:38 PM

I actually kind of like all three of those characters. Here's my problem with the show though:

Season 2: If removed from the series, it's likely that nobody would notice. I know, I'm exaggerating quite a bit, but...

Anyway, they introduced a bunch of main characters in season 2, only to kill mostof them off by the end of the season. I hated Ana Lucia when she first appeared, but by the end I thought she was a strong character and I actually wanted to see what they'd do with her in the story. And then pow. Libby was worthless besides the whole Hurley love affair. And then Mr. Eko dying in season 3... that probably upset me more than anything. He had become my favorite character, and in season 3 was the only reason that the previous season had mattered for anything. And then... yeah. Then Bernard.. I guess he's still on the island? Who knows. Doesn't matter one bit, really. Why include season 2? Most of the flashbacks were disappointing.

I sound pretty bitter about that whole experience, and I suppose I am. In this season, they don't even act as if any of those characters existed. Bahhh, that upsets me.

Okay, now that I've complained enough (I surely have more to say, but that can be saved for later if people continue to discuss this), I'll list my three least-favorite characters.

1) Juliet -- everyone I talk to loves her for some reason. I find her quite lame. And she ruined Jack's character.
3) Sun -- I used to love Sun. I shouldn't say that I hate her now, but they kind of ruined her a bit, in many ways.

^ I think that's all. It's not that I have anything against women in general, but the writers of Lost sure know how to create annoying female characters.

Just a quick note to add some positivity to the post, I really liked the episode with the van.
And to continue with the good stuff,

Characters I Do Like:
Sawyer (I want him to be the leader of the group now that he's actually cool again)
Charlie (now that he has nothing to do with drugs anymore.. I sure couldn't stand him for a while)
Hurley (of course)
Locke (if.. well, you know)
Desmond (to a degree)

And that's the end of my Lost comment for the night. Sorry to anyone who took the time to read the whole thing.

Inaudible-Whisper 2007.05.13 11:15 AM


I hated Ana Lucia
w00t. I don't understand why she started to grow on you though, I consistently hated her. I think it was more the actress than the character though...

As for season 2, I agree that it was the weakest of the 3 seasons but in no way was it unnecessary. The answers didn't come as thick and fast as they have this Season, but we learnt all about Dharma and the hatches, we finally saw the smoke monster in all of its glory, we were introduced to Ben and it set up the hatch implosion which is a major part of the mythology, allowing all of Desmond's flash-backs/flash-forwards/apparent time travel and apparently the hatch implosion 'screwed the island way more than we think, which will become more apparent in the season 3 finale'.

Plus there's the brief introduction of the Others, the end (so far) to Michael and Walts story and the whole Penny scene at the end. So yeah, it was a bit slow... and for the most part the taily's were useless (I only really liked Eko, and I'm glad he was with us for almost a full seasons worth of episodes... plus remember Cindy is with the Others now) but it did start some major storyline arcs which set up Season 3 perfectly.


In this season, they don't even act as if any of those characters existed.
You've got to remember though that the Losties only met the tail survivors for, at most, a week, and they didn't show themselves in a very likeable way (shooting Shannon). I'm sure you'd be sad that these people died, after getting to know them over a week, but you wouldn't keep bringing them up. The only apparent mourning we should have seen was Hurley for Libby - which we did. Take Nikki and Paulo... they were supposed to have been there from the beginning, yet nobody even knew who they were. It can be hard to keep track of time and relationships when we're watching weeks pass by in years.

As for characters, I pretty much like everybody. There isn't a single survivor I despise. I really don't understand the hatred for Charlie... other than the drug issue he seems like a decent, light hearted guy. I started to go off Jack this season, but after watching a clip of next week he seems to be getting a bit more kick-ass again... though still a little full of himself. My favourite characters are pretty much the same as yours, fluffie... Locke and Sawyer are my top faves and I love Ben... he's such a menacing villain.

And Jacob is hawt.

golem09 2007.05.13 11:45 AM

Oh, I forgot Ana Lucia, yeah, I hated her, too. Until the end.

And the thing with charlie is.. I really like him in the flashbacks, they are one of my favs. When his brother turns in his piano...
But the charlie on the island is just annoying: Hey look I'm charlie, yeah CHARLIE FROM DRIVE SHAFT. LOOK AT ME, I'M IMPORTANT.

Charlie sucks

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