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deadgrandma 2014.02.22 10:22 PM

Mariko Goto's troubles
So, over the last few days, Mariko Goto seems to have gotten herself into a bit of bother. I had heard tidbits- about her throwing a camera into a crowd member and apologizing on twitter about it- then a couple of days ago she left a mysterious tweet about 'quitting the office' and her twitter account pulled down (as Inseu noticed).

An article explaining what (most likely) has happened was translated quite well by a JPS user (Tadanga- kudos pal)


Goto Mariko, the live performance of the 10th may be the cause of her sending a "I quit" tweet.

Mariko, a musician who has gathered popularity thanks to her extreme live performances, has submitted, on the 22nd, a tweet stating "at the office, I just quit". What could have happened to Goto?
Her latest tweet history may explain what lead her to this decision.

On the 10th, Goto was a guest performer at a late night event held at club in Tokyo, Shibuya.
Right after her act, early morning on the 11th, she tweeted that "From now on, I want to be told if there's gonna be an official photographer at an event. Even if I understand that a report of the event is necessary, this guy climbed on stage even though I clearly told him not to and I kept telling him to get off, he kept snapping away and ignored me."
She continues with obvious rage in another tweet: "Our own staff and Asobisytem (the event organizers) staff did absolutely nothing to stop him. What were they thinking? They just stood there looking stupid. Can they even be called a staff?"

And she went on with a series of other angry tweets:
- It is the organizers' fault for not informing me in advance of the presence of a photographer
- It is the photographer's fault for coming up on stage although I kept telling him to get off
- It is my fault for not being able to control myself that I grabbed his camera and threw it away
- It is the photographer's fault for coming back on stage after collecting the camera I had just thrown away (!)
- It is the staff's fault for not intervening when all of this was happening

This is how she explains what happened at the event. And she mentions the spectators who got hit be the camera she threw from the stage :
"I would like to go and face them properly, no matter where they are now and apologize. I am sorry!"
She has also directly apologized to all the people commenting on her tweet feed.

On the evening of the same day, Goto goes on to explain her state of mind during this incident:
"I wore a skirt for the live and since I was jumping around a lot, I wondered what kind of photos would come out of this.
But it was the job of the people around me to protect me, right? I am a woman, right? The manager told me that the photographer had not taken any improper shots but I am sure they were plenty of them and I told him so a million times.

She goes on to express her dissatisfaction with the staff's job performance: "I've had it up to here with management and the production company.
I want to keep making music, I really want to keep making music, I want to play the guitar, I want to perform at the Budoukan, I am for real.
I really want to avoid these kind of incidents and I want to keep performing in even bigger venues everywhere."

There are a lot of such tweets telling of her many conversations with management and staff, as well as apologies to her fans "I'm sorry about all this"
Finally, she announced that, in April, a decision would be taken concerning staff and allowing photographers during her lives.

On the 12th, she tweeted: "I'm really sorry about this. Tomorrow, I'm going to talk to them"
On the 13th, after a sit down with her production company was set up, she tweeted: "At the office, I just quit"

We were unable to get a confirmation of this from the production company since we were told that the person in charge was absent at the moment.
So, it seems like she may have been dropped from/rage-quit Sony Music... for doing what isn't really that big of a deal (at least to me). However, her tour dates are still valid. One of them dates is a shared concert with Seiko Oomori. I've joked that Oomori should ask her to join PINK records- imagine Mariko with full creative control.... This joke seems feasible now...

Anyone heard anything else about this situation other than what I've already posted? I think it's pretty interesting news and also shows how being on a major can be a blessing and a curse. It also brings back memories of Hata's drunken escapades and the 'scandal' that caused.

TurtleFu 2014.02.23 06:01 AM

I'm impressed that she explained her side of the story and owned up to her own mistakes. This was not the best way to handle the situation (throwing the camera I mean), but she probably thought this guy was like a random fan who was stalking her on stage or something. As a woman in Japan sexual harassment can be very scary I suppose.

This doesn't seem to me like a firing (why would they fire her over this? I mean I know Japanese companies has a really strict clause for behavior but this seems minor compared to the shit Koda Kumi and the like pull.

I really like that she states her ambition. It's so interesting getting to hear these musicians talk in their own words. I feel like the Japanese music scene has more of a curtain between its audience and singers.

Inseu 2014.02.23 09:59 AM

I don't think she has a problem getting a job.

She's gonna be DJ at this concert on March 21st.


Maou 2014.02.24 01:03 PM

I commend her for sticking up for herself. The security/staff she mentioned is worthless. She should have thrown the camera at them.

LoBFCanti 2014.03.05 11:23 PM

She needs the distribution that's all. Her fans are gonna always follow suit where ever. Mariko has "the deformation of Idol" thing and I think that would be viable for any label grab right now. Alternatives to a trend while residing some where within it is a safe gamble.

Just so happens she first and foremost a good artist and the concepts like these come after.

deadgrandma 2014.11.03 03:32 PM

Only direct Goto thread I can find right this second.

But anyway, help me decide if I hate or love the new track- I'm so inbetween I find it impossible to decide. So much to like and so much to dislike at the same time...

Mariko Goto PV '14

fluffiethesock 2014.11.03 07:41 PM

Well, it's the most normal song I've heard by her, so that's a plus for me. But I still can't stand her voice or style, so my final vote is that you don't like it. ;)

(oops, I might be confusing her and Seiko... which one do you prefer in general, grandma?)

deadgrandma 2014.11.03 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by fluffiethesock (Post 91972)
Well, it's the most normal song I've heard by her, so that's a plus for me. But I still can't stand her voice or style, so my final vote is that you don't like it. ;)

(oops, I might be confusing her and Seiko... which one do you prefer in general, grandma?)

Seiko wins by a landslide.

fluffiethesock 2014.11.03 08:03 PM

Seiko's music is more peculiar/unique, right? I think I've actually been mashing them together as one person for a while.

deadgrandma 2014.11.03 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by fluffiethesock (Post 91975)
Seiko's music is more peculiar/unique, right? I think I've actually been mashing them together as one person for a while.

Well, yes and no.

There are undeniably elements that Seiko and Mariko share- but the main difference is that while Mariko has found her sound and stuck with it, Seiko is still expanding and experimenting.

Seiko's voice is far more ranged too, and her music style is more genuine. However, that's not to say that Mariko isn't genuine- she was just far more intriguing when she was part of Midori. Her first solo album was great- but the whole sound and act wore a little thin on the followup. I still want to hear the third album (which this new single comes from) but I approach with a bit of restraint- Mariko seems to have 'lost' quite a bit of her magic- quite possibly due to all the bullshit she's been through in her career in the last year- and I hate to sound shallow- but her voice is not aging all that well either.

Seiko to me is the hope for the future seeing as Ringo is content in bringing out standard pop (well, for Ringo anyway) albums nowadays. She brings something exciting to the table and it's exactly what I was missing.

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