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-   -   [TJ] 2006.09.06 - Just Can't Help It (DVD) [Concert Video] (https://forums.electricmole.net/showthread.php?t=66)

frecklegirl 2007.04.02 12:07 PM

[TJ] 2006.09.06 - Just Can't Help It (DVD) [Concert Video]
Just Can't Help It

01. 雪国 (Yukiguni)
02. 現実を嗤う (Genjitsu o Warau)
03. 少女ロボット (Shoujo Robot)
04. 歌舞伎 (Kabuki)
05. 秘密 (Himitsu)
06. その淑女ふしだらにつき (Sono Onna Fushidara ni Tsuki)
07. 現実に於て~顔 (Genjitsu ni Oite~Kao)
08. 入水願い (Jusui Negai)
09. ミラーボール (Mirror Ball)
10. 手紙 (Tegami)
11. サービス (Service)
12. C'm'on Let's go!
13. ブラックアウト (Blackout)
14. 本能 (Honnou)*
15. スーパースター (Superstar)
16. ダイナマイト (Dynamite)
17. 修羅場 (Shuraba)
18. 御祭騒ぎ (Omatsurisawagi)
19. 喧嘩上等 (Kenka Joutou)
20. 透明人間 (Toumei Ningen)
21. 丸の内サディスティック (Marunouchi Sadistic)
22. 落日 (Rakujitsu)
Total Playtime: 01:35:59

* Part of きもちよ (Kimochi yo), an APPA song, has been included in Izawa's performance.

Second-Press Availability: Amazon.co.jp, CD Japan, HMV Japan, YesAsia

HEDOfloe 2007.05.14 07:58 AM

I really love this concert. I especially enjoy when they go from song to song without stopping playing, such as shojo robot to kabuki and c'm'on lets go to Blackout. Very fun, the new version of dynamite was pretty interesting too although I do not understand what is she trying to say when the music stops in the middle of the song, except for "bonjour." The recorded video that was added in to the concert was very cool too, it makes it very interesting. The only part I did not like was when they sing lady is a tramp and the video goes black and white and lower quality. I didnt mind the black and white but the quality going down for the audio was not a very good idea.

pariscombo 2007.05.14 09:34 AM


although I do not understand what is she trying to say when the music stops in the middle of the song, except for "bonjour."
It was " Shibuya, NHK, bonjour." The concert hall JCHI was recorded was NHK hall in Shibuya.

HEDOfloe 2007.05.14 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by pariscombo (Post 5152)
It was " Shibuya, NHK, bonjour." The concert hall JCHI was recorded was NHK hall in Shibuya.

OOOOOHHHHH!! Thanks for clearing that up!! :D

HEDOfloe 2007.05.21 01:22 PM

This DVD has also been said to help deter global warming.

fluffiethesock 2007.05.21 08:34 PM

I love this concert aside from the final line of Dynamite where she does her

"Because... you are... DYYYNAAMIIIIITE!!!!"

That part is painful.

And agreed, I'm not a fan of the quality decrease in "The Lady is a Tramp" either. But those flaws are made up for by the rest of the music. I love the covers in this concert like a mama loves Hungry Hungry Hippos. I really don't understand people's hate for "Mirrorball," and "C'mon Let's Go" is probably one of my favorite TJ songs.

HEDOfloe 2007.05.21 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by fluffiethesock (Post 6043)
And agreed, I'm not a fan of the quality decrease in "The Lady is a Tramp" either. But those flaws are made up for by the rest of the music. I love the covers in this concert like a mama loves Hungry Hungry Hippos. I really don't understand people's hate for "Mirrorball," and "C'mon Let's Go" is probably one of my favorite TJ songs.

I know! "C'mon lets go" is so fun to hear. I would not say it is my favorite track, but it is definately up there because it is so entertaining. It's too bad that its so short, but at least it goes right into blackout, a transition which I love to see everytime. Its so cool how Ringo leaves during c'mon lets go and appears right when blackout starts without the music stopping. so fun :D

Tokyo Jihad 2007.05.21 09:30 PM

Have I really not posted in this thread yet? Well 'ere we go, love!

I place much of the blame on why "teh rawkers" will look kinda melancholic back at the Adult era. Dynamite Out came out and pretty such single handedly saved the Kyoiku-era, cuz all we had until that point was decisively the worst Shiina record we heard yet and 2 two-part really neat videos. You might be able to argue that EM saved the KZK era as well (or at least put peoples fears to rest.) So it seems to be the pattern that the live dvd really makes or breaks the era. JCHI I think fumbles the Adult album. The Adult album was fairly straightforward in style (as in "feeling" not musical styles), you sorta knew what "Adult" was all about, and the vids reinforced. Adult was kinda cold, kinda boring and depressing, but it was consistently so. (Hedo, Fluffie, other Adult pushers, save your barks, I'm in no way saying the music was boring and depressing. Im strictly talking "image" and the image personified by the music.)

Then we start to lose our focus with Adult Video and Virgin Line, and then JCHI comes and it left at least me shrugging my shoulders. Now "cat ears" somehow fit the adult mold. What? I've gone over most of this before so I'll spare repetition here.

The best part of Dynamite was they shoved aside all the "behind the scenes" stuff onto its own, largely forgettable, disc so we could focus solely on the concert. rawk. JCHI does this too...
...or does it?
Here's where I rip the non-live segments. I was jumping up-and-down when I caught wind of this, and not out of excitement. What it says to me is, the show wasn't that strong so we needed to spice it up. Do I agree? It wasn't the strongest show, but idealistically it says to me "we can't live up to our last dvd, so we're gonna go 180 and go the opposite direction of what it symbolized" So we also get all those Shiina theatrics that...people can be split on. The scene that goes on during Kao/Genjitsu no oite is "rolleye" worthy, if not groan worthy. Those jets of fire were 'really' necessary in Himitsu. The aforementioned Tramp and Dynamite things. Shiina on the cliff during whatever song it was, what was rowdier: the crowd or the ocean in the background ya think? Aso the one song I REALLY wanted to see being performed, Rakujitsu, is almost all bumped for "Shiina on a train". I just think it's hokey to do stuff like that. If the live shows not that exciting, then maybe don't release a dvd and have us get the show through boots or something. You know at the end of Blackout where Shiinas all curled up like she's dead? Yeah.
Speaking of Shiina, I got tired of the outfit changes on Virgin Line, let alone JCHI. It's kinda nit-picky, i'll give. But to me it's another visual thing to distract us from what's actually being played. I don't buy it, idealistically. To me all these things separates us from what we really want. The band, the songs, and the band playing the songs.

So what about the songs? As I said, it's not the strongest concert. Is it the weakest? I dunno, its been a while since I heard GX (of course, I'm not counting the ones that don't count: Haitsuku, BX, Ringohan. ) The set never really got goin it kept getting muddled in "clap sing your fingers-in palm" kinda songs. It started off alright. Genjitsu and Shoujo Robot -- whether you thought the take was good, the fact they played it was at least interesting. and it stays rolling until it comes to a screeching hault with Tramp followed by Kao/Genjitsu which should.have.been.cut! To me its saying "Hey ex-members, check out how boring we just made your songs!" There was no reason to keep this song on the dvd, specially when in the past we've had much more orgasmic songs cut. It doesnt really some back to form til Honnou/Superstar and Shuraba close after. And by that point, its pretty much over. Not even the grossly forced feeling metal interlude (complete with horns) really leave you feeling "wow, that
was a good show." The music was passable.

Rakujitsu was certainly the song of the show. Where Dynamite Out perfected every Kyoiku song, save Kokoro; JCHI perfected Rakujitsu. Honnou proves to be nearly indestructible despite all attempts to sink it (the Izawa interlude really takes you out of the song. It's a feeling I kept feeling throughout the DVD, that every time the band actually came close to getting the pot to boil, Shiina would diffuse bu dropping some ice cubes which was at the interlude did to Honnou.) Shuraba was great. Superstar was not as good as in Dynamite, but i guess it was ok --I barely recall it. Himitsu was great too. Tegami, however, dissapointed. Someone please tell Shiina to stop playing Dynamite and Tramp, they're becoming the new "Koufukuron and Marnouchi." Cept one of em wasn't even good on record (Tramp.)

I don't think JCHI even lived up to the Virgin Line show. Kabuki was way better there. So was Kenka. Plus, Virgin Line had something that SORELY shoulda been saved for JCHI: Souretsu and Gunjo. WRYY did they not save that for the show "that counted??" Souretsu might be THE BEST performance Shiina's done, and whether you liked the rendition of Gunjo or not, at least it was interesting. Those were two performances that stood up on their own without any post-production sweetning.

So, that's my largely sour take on JCHI. I do think it sorta spoiled Adult and is largely responsible for why some of us aren't as keen on the era. Adult was a pretty good album, however all we tend to associate it with is the band playing in a lifeless, unenthusiastic, white box -- and they backed off every time they came close to livening up the place.

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