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arutea 2007.06.08 11:49 PM

Hmmmmm there's this new convention starting up in Sydney... August I think.

I've got myself potentially involved in an event they're holding -"Kouhaku." And I'm trying to push for some Shiina Ringo songs to be sung. :D


Surprisingly I've also found some more Ringo fans on their board!! :wub:

They're looking for one more guyyyy to be part of the "White team." :lol:

So if you want to participate ... please join us!

ChickShhh 2007.06.08 11:52 PM

wow you singing Onaji Yoru.

arutea 2007.06.09 12:55 AM

^^;; hahah well... I had it on the karaoke thread for a while...... but I don't think many people saw it.

Anyhow... I'm working on Meisai atm.... =_=;;; it's so tongue twister... XD

k3nj1kun 2007.06.09 02:15 AM

sounds interesting!

arutea 2007.06.09 08:46 AM

XD kansai ben....

Yeah! Come along! hahaa it'd be awesome...

if it intices you and your friends there MAY be a Host Club and Maid Cafe. XD


for more info.

Were you interested in Kouhaku?

A bit of a change... they're looking for one more guy and one more girl!

k3nj1kun 2007.06.25 06:22 PM

i'll tell my japanese friends about it.. see if they're interested!

Kasanagi 2007.06.25 07:40 PM

Interesting...think I'll drop by and cheer for ya all!! Sydney ringo-fans united!!

k3nj1kun 2007.06.26 06:15 AM


Kasanagi 2007.07.06 05:07 AM

On a completely different note, I just took a walk around the city today, and casually walked into the chinese music/movie store at the end of Dixion street, and to my surprise, they've got the OCHI Dvd!!!!! They've also got HF, and another DVD which I suspect to be the Ringohan concert live (brought it but haven't opened it yet, will update later). they are not the direct Japan import though, they are actually import from Taiwan me thinks, the disc itself should be made in japan but the packing for the DVD's aren't, so they look kinda cheap. But still!! This is awsome!!!

Kasanagi 2007.08.11 05:31 AM

^so anyone going?

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