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deadgrandma 2012.12.05 03:30 PM

2012 in review
So, the end of the year is here. I know it might seem a bit early to start this, but I feel I am ready to go; the chances of any last minute musical masterpiece from now on are low, so I feel no reservations in starting my "Top Albums of 2012" today.

For me, I'm only gonna focus on my top 10, and then some honorable mentions. Mainly for 2 reasons: 1. Jihad's list is gonna trump everyone's, 2. I don't have more than 10 albums (from 2012) that I've really enjoyed this year. I'm focusing on albums that have actually made me spend some proper time with, not albums I thought were cool and then moved onto the next release.

So without further ado, I'll get started. 1-2 albums a day until I've reached number 1.

10. Jane Zhang- Listen to Jane Z Live- released 8th June

While this is technically a live album, it’s still my favorite pop album of the year. Jane Zhang constantly surprises and moves me with her voice. Presented here is a beautiful and intimate acoustic/jazzy set that really lets her break it out. A good mix of traditional Chinese pop and western classics delivered perfectly- just listen to her perfect rendition of "At Last" or her amazing ranged vocals on "Concerto Por Deux".

Jane Zhang- At Last

It's not gonna be an album that appeals to everyone on here, but I think it is definitely the best 'straight' pop album I've heard this year. A must have if you're a fan of Jane Zhang and a definite "must listen" if you like this sort of thing.

Favorite song: "The South Sea Girl"/"南海姑娘"

Tokyo Jihad 2012.12.05 05:55 PM

Looking forward! Gonna check all these out!

deadgrandma 2012.12.05 06:59 PM

^ pretty sure there'll only be like 3 or 4 you haven't already heard in my top 10 :-p

Anyway, wrote the second one up:

9. Ichigo Ichie- Doku Ichigo- released September 9

I was debating whether to consider this an album, seeing as its only 23 minutes and a soundtrack to a play; but after the amount of time I’ve spent with it and the fact it has 8 new tracks, I decided to go for it. So while it’s not a Ringo album per se, all the songs are written (or have some form of involvement) by her, and it’s for me easily the best release Ringo has been involved in all year.

It’s quite a nice package, a sweet and short listen that serves my desire for some more solo-Ringo sounding music. Eri Fukatsu does a nice job on vocals, she’s no powerhouse, but they balance quite well. The three different versions of Wakare (1940, 1964 and 2012) are a nice concept, my particular favorite being the 1964 version. The song “Soushitsu” is by far the prettiest offering on here, and would be absolutely perfect if it was sung by Ringo herself- as it is the most classic “Ringo” sounding song on the album (maybe she will do it on the next tour, I certainly hope so). The main powerhouse here though is the coupling of Bouenkyou no Naka no Kioku/no Keshiku… the first is a nice atmospheric/electronic pop ditty followed up by an uproarious instrumental provided by SOIL & “PIMP” SESSIONS (who else :-p). I have posted it here:

Ichigo Ichie- 望遠鏡の中の記憶 and 望遠鏡の外の景色

Overall, I think anyone who likes Sanmon Gossip should give it a chance. I gotta give it kudos for how well everything flows, even the ‘rock’ song The Heavy Metallic Girl sounds right in this album. It’s a much stronger album than it’s given credit for (I say this from a completely honest/non-fanboy perspective) and I feel it will become a ‘hidden gem’ in the Ringo catalog in the future. Go for it. If only it were a little longer, it may have been in the top 3. Oh well, can't have everything.

Anyway my #8 and possibly 7 choices coming tomorrow... this is pretty fun, I can see why Jihad gets such a kick out of it now! :D

deadgrandma 2012.12.06 03:54 PM

8. Deerhoof- Breakup Song- released September 3

Deerhoof have always been a band I’ve liked, but not really loved. Well, Breakup Song may have changed that. It certainly made me go back and re-listen/re-evaluate my feelings about them.

The first thing I noticed about this album was how short and sweet it was. Barely 30 minutes. But that in this case means “all killer no filler”. There’s a hypnotic quality to the record and it sucks you in from the very first second of the album. Some of the ‘phattest’ beats I’ve heard outside of hip hop combined with cutesy vocals and really nifty instrumental work make it one of the most accessible and appealing albums to anyone with a mind for ‘alternative’ music.

I find myself constantly just turning this on, it’s a great album for pretty much anytime. I haven’t given it a ‘party’ spin yet, but I think that it would be appropriate for such a situation, because it’s an album that’s easy to listen to without much focus, and also ridiculously rewarding once you do sit down and listen properly.

Good job, Deerhoof, I look forward to seeing you live in March!

Favorite song: There’s That Grin (the most simple, yet easiest to relate to lyrics of the year).

Deerhoof- Breakup Song (Full Album)

Tokyo Jihad 2012.12.06 05:54 PM

I feed off lists. I want to know what everyone else liked from 2012 as well!

deadgrandma 2012.12.06 11:25 PM

7. Oneida- A List of the Burning Mountains- Released 16 November

My number 7 choice was a difficult one, for reasons I will explain later. To me this year there’s been 2 big “mostly instrumental” or “ambient” releases (I use that term very, very lightly) that I’ve really spent a lot of time with. Those two were the underrated Valtari by Sigur Ros and A List of the Burning Mountains. The third possibility was the recently released Magdala album, which I think is just as good as Sigur Ros and Oneida’s albums, but I feel it is too fresh in memory and hasn’t sunken in to fully decide. Though I will talk about it a bit below this.

So, out of Valtari and A List of the Burning Mountains which did I decide on? Both are really fantastic albums in their own right, and both to me are polar opposites yet not that far apart. It’s hard for me to fully explain what I mean. Why not just put both on the list? Well, I would, but my top 6 are solid and can’t be moved around anymore.

In the end, I’m gonna go with Oneida’s album this year.

For those new to Oneida, they’re a band that are in equal parts rock as they are abstract. They seem to interchange between the two styles, and they love to experiment with repetition (earlier albums are heavily inspired by krautrock) and most recently have been going for a more minimalist approach, and their 40 minute LP A List of the Burning Mountains is no exception. One "song" (or movement/piece/whatever you feel fits best) split over 2 sides, it’s not an easy listen. But for those with the patience and mindset, it’s one of the absolute best musical journeys you will come across this year.

Best appreciated either really loud through some nice floor speakers from the LP or on some kick ass headphones if you get the digital version, sit back and get yourself ready to be brought into the whirling, hypnotizing world that Oneida have created here.

It was a surprise find for me this year, glad I jumped on it. I’m sure any fans of this style of music will enjoy it too (hell, I think any self-respecting Tool or perhaps even Sunn O))) fan will get a kick out of it). Not quite drone and not quite rock, it fits right in between. It’s certainly a better experiment in rock than, say, the latest Mars Volta album, and for audiophiles, it’s production values are worth the listen alone. The best album you most likely missed this year.

Oneida- A List of the Burning Mountains Part 1

The other 2 options that I had in mind:

Sigur Ros- Valtari- an album that was too unfairly received I think. Hell, even I bitched a little about it on first impressions. I sat there listening to it wondering “when is something going to happen”. It wasn’t until on further spins that I realized the beauty of the album. It’s probably the prettiest album Sigur Ros have made, and that’s saying a lot.

Magdala- Magdala- this album is pretty amazing. I loved Mutyumu and when Hatis Noit’s (vocalist) name popped up under the credits for this album I was indeed excited. Lovely post rock elements mixed with electronica and whatever else they could mix in, it’s an immediate, accessible, enjoyable listen that seems to be revealing more of its true self with each listen. Good stuff.

Inseu 2012.12.07 01:54 PM

Jane Zhang is poor man's Mariah Carey. She will go far with her bimbo image. :p

Which Deerhoof albums are your favourites?

deadgrandma 2012.12.07 02:37 PM

^wow, talk about insulting.... And bizarre. What a random comparison :-/

Inseu 2012.12.07 03:36 PM

While watching that video, Mariah Carey was the first thing that came to mind. The way they both sing and the timbre of their voices are not dissimilar. Though Mariah Carey's voice is more recognizable.

I could be very biased, considering that Jane Zhang and Chinese women of her kind are the source of all my problems. The way she tries so hard to be classy is forced and phoney. She put shackles on my mind. She is salt of the earth like millions of other Chinese girls, with 15 minutes of fame, and her name implies that.

edit: Sorry, a lot of personal bitterness...no offense though.

deadgrandma 2012.12.07 04:32 PM

Eh, whatever dude, I'm not gonna argue with you :-p


6. Project UNDARK- Radium Girls 2011- released May 16

Face it, this album is only gonna appeal to a select few people. Its impenetrable darkness, lack of any real melodies throughout and the monotonous, almost droning vocal styling of Phew are really an acquired taste.

Those that can get past these barriers however, are really, really in for a treat.

Project UNDARK was a collaboration between Phew, Erika Kobayashi and Dieter Mobius and features a few various guest vocalists (yes, including Mariko Goto, who is almost unrecognizable here). The album was actually recorded in 2011 but came out in 2012 (hence the name Radium Girls 2011). I’m not sure the whole story behind the project, but the themes are more than obvious.

The beats are bleak, the instrumentation minimal, the melody almost nonexistent. There is no light at the end of the tunnel on this bad boy. The first press has a sickly green jewel case, matching the ‘color’ I imagine when listening to this. This is one of those albums that are definitely “headphone” albums, the amount of little nuances is staggering.

If this is an album meant to channel into the fear of radiation, then I think musically and vocally it matches. Ultimately, this feels much more like a Phew album than anything else though, and Phew fans will most likely love this addition to her collection. To everyone else, the word ‘challenging’ is an understatement.

For me, another love affair. Approach with caution. Or avoid at all costs, depending on how musically adventurous you are. I can’t blame someone if they hate on this record. It took me 3 months to penetrate its surface. Because of this, I find it one of the most interesting albums of the year, and why it deserves at a spot in my top 10.

Radium Girls 2011

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