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deadgrandma 2015.12.02 05:36 PM

The best of 2015!
Well, it's December. That time of year where everyone starts looking back and making their top lists. I don't think this thread needs much more of an introduction, everyone knows the drill. And like last year and the year before, I have my own list.

Let's get started, hope you enjoy!

20. Reina & Blue Valentines- Lady or Girl?

Reina Nosa's band project is a short and sweet album full of upbeat tracks along the lines of Maron Hamada, Pizzicato Five, Kinoco Hotel or even the jazzier elements of Shiina Ringo. One of the more fun listens I had all year, it certainly is a great album if you're feeling a little bit gloomy. Reina's voice is smooth and sexy and the melodies and production really manage to replicate oldschool Japanese pop. It bursts and bubbles along and is quite easy to listen to from start to end. May not have the longest shelf life of albums this year- but while it lasts, it's delightful!

I also hear good word about their live sets- would love to check them out!

Reina and the Blue Valentines

deadgrandma 2015.12.02 08:17 PM

19. Oyasumi Hologram- Oyasumi Hologram

It's loud. It's dirty. It's rock. It's pop. And it's idol. Trashy fucking production. Screechy fucking vocals over a wailing wall of noise (the single below is not really a good example of the main album's sound). Songs that melt into each other, quite often with no sense of control. All of this should mean disaster, but for Oyasumi Hologram, it works amazingly. I am often reminded of some of Jun Togawa's more unhinged works of the 2000s- albeit this is much less experimental. It's like really burnt bacon, fatty as hell, tasty and crunchy. Bad for your but oh so delicious. I highly recommend!


The Most Curious Thing 2015.12.02 09:48 PM

Looking forward to yours this year since I think a few of my favorites will pop up on your list (Lady or Girl? already, and some combination of Ten Love Songs, The Miraculous, Art Angels, Shabaraba, Primitive, and Seijuku no Marble -- I think I remember you liking that new progish thing Kazoekirenai too).

Tokyo Jihad 2015.12.03 07:09 AM


FadedSun 2015.12.03 11:32 AM

Lady or Girl? is a solid release. One of my favorites from this year as well.

deadgrandma 2015.12.03 03:13 PM

18. Roger Lion- Roger Lion

The collaboration between hip hop producer Budo and indie pop veteran Joe Pernice seems like a strange mix. However, it is one of the most enjoyable and surprising releases of the year. It's eclectic and beautiful, with gorgeous instrumentation (those horns!) and production to boot. It has that hip hop oomph and trademark Pernice songwriting, backed with his fantastic vocals that I have adored for many years. Well worth checking out if you're interested in either artist. While it may not appeal to everyone, anyone who likes Joe Pernice will likely be keen.

Roger Lion

deadgrandma 2015.12.03 05:14 PM

17. Sunn O)))- Kannon

After years of waiting, Sunn O))) release their newest proper studio album. While it wasn't the amazing evolution I was expecting from them, it still captures that trademark sound that fans love- albeit clocking in surprisingly short- 3 tracks at 33 minutes. The production is beautiful and as far as drone music goes, there is no complaints in that department, it's mesmerizing as ever. However, the fact that it just isn't what I was expecting stops it from ranking higher. I will no doubt listen to the hell out of it, I just don't see myself worshiping it like Monoliths and Dimensions or Black One.

Still, it's well worth the listen if you're into Sunn, even if it is one of their more standard releases (which means it's pretty fucking great).

Sunn O

deadgrandma 2015.12.03 06:15 PM

16. Hanae- Jokyou Shokyou

Hanae's sophomore album, in my opinion, trumps her debut by a mile. The production has been stepped up, songs are more punchy and overall, its a far more memorable and satisfying release as a whole. The opening track, EXODUS really sets the tone of the album, sweet melodies accompanied by Hanae's cute and sexy vocals. It's lead single, Kamisama no Kamisama is one of the most memorable tracks in her discography and it's fun to hear her experiment with hip hop on the closer S-T-A-R-S, which is both tongue in cheek and awesome at the same time. Hanae's sound is getting stronger with each release- and this is a promising and exciting step forward for her. One of the most enjoyable and addictive releases this year. Definitely one of the best "kawaii pop" releases.

Oh and props to that album cover, for obvious reasons :-p


deadgrandma 2015.12.04 03:59 PM

15. Passepied- Shabaraba

Passepied's latest release rocks harder than any previous release. It's quite an exhilarating listen from start to end, even if it is slightly plagued by its mastering choices (putting the vocals EVEN HIGHER in the mix probably wasn't the best idea). However, these are easily forgiven when the songwriting is as strong as it is. All the songs flow well and it's a nice, tight, concise package. It's also the heaviest, "darkest" and has some of the most memorable instrumental segments of all the Passepied releases so far. It also happens to have one of the strongest, most unforgettable singles of the year:


Well worth your time. Clicked immediately with me, unlike other Passepied albums that needed a few spins to get into. It does get a little fatiguing if you listen to it too much, so that's why it didn't land higher, but it's still one of the biggest Japanese rock albums this year, without a doubt.

deadgrandma 2015.12.04 04:19 PM

14. Björk- Vulnicura

Björk's Vulnicura has been hailed as her best album since Vespertine by many fans and critics. I'm not sure about that, but it is no doubt a great listen. Stemming from a more 'human' place than her most recent outputs (see Biophilia's album concept), this album centers around her breakup and recovery with artist Matthew Barney. That makes it instantly more grounded and easy to approach for most people, with that element of personal storytelling, it's her most relatable album on thematic level in years. The compositions here are far easier to take in too, there's no strange time signatures or high experimentation- it's more or less the most 'pop' Björk is going to get. And it works just fine given the concept. The production is impeccable, Arca and The Haxan Cloak do amazing jobs respectively. The string work is amazing. Björk's vocals are pained but beautiful and the lyrics are haunting.

The songs are quite lengthy, with a lot of them clocking in at over 6 minutes. The centerpiece and most amazing track (in my opinion) is the 10 minute epic (and also lead single) "Black Lake". It leaves you emotionally wiped out and blown away. Other highlights for me were "Mouth Mantra", opener "Stonemilker" and creepy "Notget". Due to the deep nature of the album, it also means that it is something you really need to be in the mood for. It's not an easy listen by any means, and you really need to sit down and pay fucking attention. Not something I listened to HEAPS but definitely something I highly respect and well deserving of being on my top 20 this year.

Check it out if you haven't already!


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