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frecklegirl 2009.12.13 10:13 AM

Let's talk about the movies we've recently seen or are looking forward to seeing!

golem09 2009.12.16 03:03 PM

Just seen avatar. But I have to go to bed, so only a few words:

It was utterly amazing. I wouldn't have dreamt of this. There might some minor flaws that critics will drag out and blow up, but the whole package ist something so rarely achieved that we should be glad about it, instead of talking about how it was less artsy than entertaining.
Because you have never been entertained before quite like this.

Inaudible-Whisper 2009.12.16 03:37 PM

Will be watching Avatar tomorrow night. Fantastic feedback online though.

Just watched the Californication season finale. Damn. Coupled with Dexter, what a depressing week of television.

golem09 2009.12.17 08:20 AM

I will go watch Avatar again on Monday. Actucally I'm very impatient about it. I couldn't stop thinking about Pandora the whole day. So fucking amazing.

Inaudible-Whisper 2009.12.18 04:44 AM

Saw Avatar in IMAX 3D last night. Wow. By far the most visually impressive movie I've ever seen it my life. It honestly feels 5-10 years ahead of everything else. Say what you want about the story, but I don't see how you could fail to be blown away by this movie visually. The story wasn't surprising nor particularly original, but it served it's purpose. It introduced Pandora and the protagonists and antagonists and it gave me enough reason to have an emotional connection with the good guys. You really want them to kick ass. There are some mother-earth-like cheesy scenes and lines, but they're native people and it's what they believe; I can't really fault Cameron for that. But screw all that, I spent the first 20-30 minutes just looking at the screen thinking "Holy shit". The trailers really don't do this justice, at all, in any way. The 3D is also the best use of it I've ever seen. In fact, half of the time I didn't notice it was there because it was used in such a way that it didn't noticeably stick things in your face on purpose. It was used as an artistic tool like lighting, to give depth to a scene and it's the best argument for the format to be used in a none-gimmicky way I've seen. It looked phenomenal.

Overall it met my expectations for the story. But best of all it totally lived up to the hype for it's visuals. I went with 6 other people, 4 of which didn't know of the scale of the hype and hadn't seen much other than a trailer. I think they liked it more than me, they could not stop talking about how utterly beautiful it was after.

You need to see this movie in a cinema in 3D. You'll really regret it if you don't; I don't care if you found the trailers unappealing just do it. I'm going to see it again and make the most of it in this format while I still can.

Glathannus 2009.12.18 05:08 AM

It's already been my plan since before December, to see Avatar in IMAX 3D. Anytime a groundbreaking blockbuster (such as the recent Batman movies) comes out, I go to IMAX for them anyway even if they're not shot in 3D.

I won't have time for it though, until closer to the end of the month. I have to be all prepared - which includes waiting in line for almost an hour just to get a middle seat, and that's after pre-ordering ticket(s) at least a week in advance. I realize that IMAX theaters are very well laid-out and that technically there's no such thing as a "bad" seat, but if you like to stick around for the credits of most movies, it is super-annoying to have so many people walking past you within your row - which they won't do when you're in the middle.

golem09 2009.12.18 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Inaudible-Whisper (Post 65791)
Saw Avatar in IMAX 3D last night. Wow. By far the most visually impressive movie I've ever seen it my life. It honestly feels 5-10 years ahead of everything else. Say what you want about the story, but I don't see how you could fail to be blown away by this movie visually. The story wasn't surprising nor particularly original, but it served it's purpose. It introduced Pandora and the protagonists and antagonists and it gave me enough reason to have an emotional connection with the good guys. You really want them to kick ass. There are some mother-earth-like cheesy scenes and lines, but they're native people and it's what they believe; I can't really fault Cameron for that. But screw all that, I spent the first 20-30 minutes just looking at the screen thinking "Holy shit". The trailers really don't do this justice, at all, in any way. The 3D is also the best use of it I've ever seen. In fact, half of the time I didn't notice it was there because it was used in such a way that it didn't noticeably stick things in your face on purpose. It was used as an artistic tool like lighting, to give depth to a scene and it's the best argument for the format to be used in a none-gimmicky way I've seen. It looked phenomenal.

Overall it met my expectations for the story. But best of all it totally lived up to the hype for it's visuals. I went with 6 other people, 4 of which didn't know of the scale of the hype and hadn't seen much other than a trailer. I think they liked it more than me, they could not stop talking about how utterly beautiful it was after.

You need to see this movie in a cinema in 3D. You'll really regret it if you don't; I don't care if you found the trailers unappealing just do it. I'm going to see it again and make the most of it in this format while I still can.

I just don't get why people critize the story so much, because all the new twists like the protagonist in an avatar body while his real body is in the hands of the enemy, the bionetwork, the creature symbiosis, the sidekick in the love triangle that DOES NOT HOLD A GRUDGE against Mr Good, The complete destruction of the mother tree, the body transfers, the unsuccessful one just as much as the final one, and the fact you ARE getting emotionally involved in everything that's going on is incredible if you look at how pale this movie could have been with that premise
The video logs were another great way to enhance the storytelling and give you much information in little time. Now ON TOP of that cameron is a genius when it comes to the use of cinematic devices, and ON TOP of that this is the most beautiful movie ever created. You can not possibly imagine how good it looks, and if you've seen the trailer it's even harder.
I thought a lot about this movie in the last two days, and since I left the cinema I had a thought in my head that I didn't want to say out loud. "This is the best movie I have ever seen". Now I'm a movie nerd and so this is not something I'd say lightly. So I tried to find out why that thought is still in my head, even two days after. It's not the greates movie of all times. BUT, it's the best cinematic experience of all times. And I have the feeling that, despite being the first REAL 3D movie, this one will wait a long time until something better comes along.

Avatar has me in it's grip. I was introduced to Pandora and it's people so well that I just want to go back. I'll watch it again on Monday.

kuro_neko 2009.12.19 11:27 AM

um, avatar.


holy shit I was a huuuge cameron fan before this and this movie was just, I haven't had an experience like that at the movies since the original LOTR. I took my mom and dad, neither of whom knew much about it, and my father, who goes tot he movies about 1 a year and usually falls asleep/complains the entire time, a silent strong type, was crying when the credits rolled.

the greatest achievement isn't the amazing special effects (I saw it in IMAX 3D and holy shit was it good) its how you become attached to these characters with no thoughts as to their digital creation, and how the story plays to a simultaneous male and female audience at the same time. there is no target demographic and both women AND men walk away saying how amazing it was. that is the mark of a true great. I can't wait to find some friends and go again, mannnnnn.

golem09 2009.12.19 03:34 PM

Very good Review here:

Avatar Review

when watching the live reviews about Avatar on youtube I noticed that all the premiers seem to have been on 00:01. Is that still the norm? Because about 3-4 years ago that just changed in germany, and every cinema started showing those premiers just at the normal time at 20:00.

HEDOfloe 2009.12.20 07:23 PM

i haven't seen avatar, but from seeing the trailer in the theater, i thought it was going to be lame because the blue people seemed completely uninspired and the story somehow seemed familiar in a way i didn't bother looking into. i ran across this article and they have another problem i would have never thought of. i don't care for the whole race thing, but it showed me another way the story seemed uninspired and it's that it's kind of already been told before.

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