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-   -   [SR] 2007.04.25 - Heisei Fuuzoku Daiginjou (DVD-A) [Album / PV Collection] (https://forums.electricmole.net/showthread.php?t=161)

frecklegirl 2007.04.02 02:39 PM

[SR] 2007.04.25 - Heisei Fuuzoku Daiginjou (DVD-A) [Album / PV Collection]
平成風俗 大吟醸 (Heisei Fuuzoku Daiginjou)

01. ギャンブル (Gamble)
02. 茎 (Kuki)
03. 錯乱 TERRA ver. (Sakuran TERRA ver.)
04. ハツコイ娼女 (Hatsukoi Shoujo)
05. パパイヤマンゴー (Papaya Mango)
06. 意識 (Ishiki)
07. 浴室 (Yokushitsu)
08. 迷彩 (Meisai)
09. ポルターガイスト (Poltergeist)
10. カリソメ乙女 TAMEIKESANNOH ver. (Karisome Otome TAMEIKESANNOH ver.)
11. 花魁 (Oiran)
12. 夢のあと (Yume no Ato)
13. この世の限り (Kono Yo no Kagiri)
Bonus Track
14. カリソメ乙女 DEATH JAZZ ver. (Karisome Otome DEATH JAZZ ver.)
Total Playtime: 53:49

Limited Availability: Amazon.co.jp, CD Japan, HMV Japan, Tower Records Japan, YesAsia
For the downloadable version, go here.
For the vinyl LP, go here.

kuro_neko 2007.04.25 07:41 AM

So I have my copy of the DVD album and let me just say it is clearly THE definitive version of the album in SR and SN's eyes. From the moment you get it, a small black box with a gold inlay of a cat playing with an apple, you know this is the way it was designed from the start. Once you open it up you are greated with a checker-designed wrapped parcel, sealed with an apple sticker (which you don't have to break, just slide the items out the side). You are given a vintage post card with a nice shot of the two at work, designed to look dated and sepia toned. The back also has a "via America" and some german scribbled in ink on the bank.

You get TWO lyric booklets, a reworked version of CD release with new added artwork and brand new presentation, with scrambled lyrics, and then ANOTHER one which folds out and one side translates all the English songs to Japanese and Japanese songs to English, and on the other, vice versa, meaning we have every song on the album now available in OFFICIAL English AND Japanese translations.

We also have a nice purple fold out that contains album credits. Similar to what was included with the LE HS but slightly different.

As for the actual DVD, you are paying for every cent. Every song has a PV (minus Death Version of KO), many of which are VERY impressive (and quite morbid)

from gerbil powered cookie machines, massive ink painting oiran epics ending in tragedy, even to an anime stylized school girl version of SR with crows bursting out of her chest, we have it ALL. The PVs ARE SO WHACKED let me tell you, Hatsukoi Shoujo doesn't even touch it, Oiran barely scratching the surface. On Papaya Mango we have a cut out/paper doll version of SR animated ALA South Park Style with some Western man on some crazy love/date story. It is like some horrible fantasy SR was living out in her head and forced the animators to translate. Think her in a car, dressed all 1960's on the way to the beach with some random happy looking white guy in the seat next to her, I was on the floor cracking up.

I didn't finish the entire DVD but so far I only have two complaints:

one-all the tracks bleed into one another so it makes smooth translations but obscures the starts and ends of the tracks. Oh well, that is what the album versions are for, right?

two-the video for KYNK is striking low quality. The tv rip I have on my computer is higher quality. Not only that, but the first 10 seconds or so are gone, starting with balloons flying into the air transitioning into a downward shot of Junpei and Ringo, because the start of the song with the clicks is blended into the end or Yume no Ato.

As for Special Features, you are getting a lot. You are getting Stereo and Digital 5.1 versions of the new songs, and you also get a really nice long interview with all the people behind the album, sitting in a room (concept with pictures), which is presented in audio with the option of visual text.

I don't have the audio equipment to get all the added musical quality, but the DVD itself is worth the purchase for all the visual and extra content. I almost feel like this is a HF Redux/Directors Cut. Here you get the feeling like we are finally seeing a final finished product, with the original two albums serving as an inital taste, more put out as a soundtrack for Sakuran, whereas this album kind of takes that and puts finishing touches on it to seal the deal.

On, I also got the Vinyl too. SEXYYYYYY. Opens up to a very nice image in black and white of a kitten with an apple that is in the HF LE edition. No more Neko and Ringo ear-mold action.

Anyways, if you haven't pre-ordered, I suggest you do so, this is going to be a major collector's item someday when this is sold out I think...

Nimh 2007.04.25 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by kuro_neko (Post 2791)
You get TWO lyric booklets, a reworked version of CD release with new added artwork and brand new presentation, with scrambled lyrics, and then ANOTHER one which folds out and one side translates all the English songs to Japanese and Japanese songs to English, and on the other, vice versa, meaning we have every song on the album now available in OFFICIAL English AND Japanese translations.

Every song has a PV (minus Death Version of KO), many of which are VERY impressive (and quite morbid)

As for Special Features, you are getting a lot. You are getting Stereo and Digital 5.1 versions of the new songs, and you also get a really nice long interview with all the people behind the album, sitting in a room (concept with pictures), which is presented in audio with the option of visual text.

Jesus Christ on rollerskates.

*kisses $50 away*

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.25 08:22 AM


*transfers $50 from savings account to checking account*

Play-Asia has it in stock, if anyone's looking for it.

HEDOfloe 2007.04.25 04:04 PM

I want it sooo baad but alas, I'm strapped for cash and I cant afford to buy the dvd after I already own the album :(

zarya 2007.04.25 05:09 PM

... Dammit, I had just convinced myself this wasn't gonna be something I'd want!

badtzmaru 2007.04.25 05:44 PM

Finally, we can understand what this release is. @_@ Woww, I didn't know it'd have this many nice features!! >_< My DVD just shipped yesterday, so it'll probably take around a week to get to me. T_T

Thanks for explaining this release to us, Kuroneko!! I can't wait to get it! >_<

kuro_neko 2007.04.25 08:01 PM

yeah, truth is, I didn't buy it until the sunday before release. Fortunately Tower Records has a million and a half of them. When I got it I was pretty surprised to see some of the features, I was just expecting some lame DVD redux. When I finish watching it I will post a little song by song impression for people who didn't buy it.

gamble: very nice, probably my favorite on the DVD. Features very bright and colorful kalediscope formations with animated pieces of an anime-style school girl up and about.

stem: works very well for the piece. All black and white digitial animation of flowering plants and butterflies and a giant nest of feathers which turns into color towards teh end. Very similar to the opening of her movie.

sakuran: oh man, this one is great. It starts with what looks like bleeding ink but you can then kind of grasp that it is kind of like a world within an ink painting. It dives deep into a mine and you are presented with the story of a miner and an oiran, which ends in a quite morbid style.

hatsukoi shoujo:my least favorite on the dvd

papaya mango: all orange/red, black/browns, and white/cremes. Looks almost like Soviet era Proproganda. Features Ringo running around with some White guy in South Park style. Was on the floor cracking up.

Ishiki: GORGEOUS. Looks like something out of that anime about the Counte of Monte Christo. A very nice gothic interior with various patterns and lighting. Not a huge fan of the song but the video definitely works.

La Salle De Bain: awesome. I don't know how to explain this. Lots of fish mixed with the shapes of other animals, including a disembodied female head with long branches and feathers for eyelids. To talk to much about it would spoil it, but it is a major WTF video

Meisai: WTF. Has Ringo ever gotten over her hard-on for cars? Only, what, this isn't a car? It is a machine to...torture hampsters? Wait...the hampsters are free....and they are....jumping off a cliff?.....wait, cookies? WTF x 10

Poltergeist: here we have another kalediscope-type design. There is some really interesting ink work of Ringo that is animated in such a way that they have various versions of her from her solo singles blended together so that it just looks like the ink work is moving around.

Karisome Otome: Cat and mouse black and white chase. Deviates to color when you think they might be happy...returns when it doesn't work out....

Oiran: everyones see this, yes?

Yume no Ato: I am not sure how to describe what I'm looking it. It looks like thread stop-motion animated but it is WAY to intricate to be hand done. The thread weaves around on its own like snakes to form various shapes and creations.

KYNO: the PV, only the first part is shortened and the quality is noticibly bad

Karisome Otome Death Jazz Version: Okay, so I lied, there is a PV for this one as well, completely different from the other version. I like this better than the other KO but nothing to really write home about. I Rapunzel-type story with a women in a large tower, man trying to get to her. All done in black and white 3-D graphics. Ends happy though....

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