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fluffiethesock 2020.02.24 07:39 PM

Modern Thoughts on Star Wars
Hey kids, last time we chatted the sequel trilogy and spin-offs didn't exist*. How's everyone feeling about this stuff these days?

*Other than The Force Awakens maybe?

deadgrandma 2020.02.25 12:08 AM

Better than the prequels. Don't care enough to have any emotional response though

fluffiethesock 2020.02.25 07:25 AM

Other than being frustrated by the lack of any cohesion, I generally had a good time with the sequel trilogy.

TFA was a fun beginning to the trilogy which staged a bunch of stuff that would either be torn down or ignored until the third movie, but on its own it was a decent effort.

I was strongly in the anti-Last Jedi camp, but my anger has subsided a bit with time and with my enjoyment of The Rise of Skywalker. That's not to say that I like TLJ now, but I'm not as upset about it anymore. Not rewatching it has probably also helped.

TROS, in my opinion, has been unjustly maligned. It's not a perfect movie, but I found it to be thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish. The presence of the main bad dude was a little bit of a letdown but made perfect sense for the final movie in the series. I thought JJ did a pretty good job of rebuilding and wrapping up a story that had no overarching focus.

Tokyo Jihad 2020.03.04 01:18 PM

I got something to say here!

TFA is the best of this trilogy. Maybe its candy, maybe it rehashes, but it is tight and efficient and it can be rewatched over and over. Underrated.

I like TLJ, but I don't love it. There's some weird stuff I like, like the Reylo Connection stuff, the Casino and Benicio Del Toro stuff, Luke. Some stuff I didn't, those freaky horse things, the ice foxes. I liked how it toyed with people trying to match it up to Empire/other Star Wars, and the throne room scene is the best in the trilogy, and maybe the whole franchise. But, its a drag to watch. It might sound silly, but I feel too sad about the people that eat it in the first action scene. This is good storytelling, but I don't want to feel sad or stressed some times.

TROS is awful and makes me never want to see a Star Wars again.

Osiris12345 2020.03.23 07:30 PM

TFA is definitely the crowd-pleaser popcorn film but, like junk food, it really doesn't feel satisfying after you're finished. I enjoyed the ride while it was playing but I couldn't help but leave the theater going "That was it?" and I found all kinds of issues with the movie after I was done. Rey was great, Kylo was an excellent antagonist and I love the meta angle of a tryhard Vader fanboy donning a black costume and trying to be badass, Finn was good, Poe was good, BB-8 was adorable, etc. so what didn't work about it? The slavish devotion to what came before. I'm sorry but Harrison phoned it in. Han Solo went out with a whimper. Leia being "promoted" to general was faux feminism at its worst and honestly a little sad for the character. So they just never changed? Never got to live out a good life together? Because that is depressing as shit. Seeing Han still smuggling actually made me feel awkward and sad in a way I didn't want to in a Star Wars movie. And come on, ANOTHER Death Star? Seriously? That was completely ridiculous.

I am an ardent TLJ apologist. Save for Canto Bight, I love the movie from start to finish. It was made by a filmmaker who wanted to tell a story without feeling beholden to fan expectations. Every scene with Luke and Rey was gold. Hell, I wish the whole movie was them. Poe's lesson to trust in his superior comes off a bit heavy-handed (although I do like how it subverts action hero tropes) and they didn't give Finn a whole lot to do but Rey and Kylo were never better and I don't care what anyone says, Luke was utilized incredibly well and I love what Rian did with him. Every second. Including the weird milking scene. And yes, the throne room scene was Snoke was Perfect. Kylo vs. Luke? Perfect. I legitimately got teary-eyed.

Haven't seen TROS but I've heard its worst quality is that it has the pacing of a 2 1/2 hour trailer. Maybe I'll watch it when it comes on Disney +. I've heard bad things and since I love TLJ I know many retcons are a-comin'.

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