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Inaudible-Whisper 2009.05.10 04:02 AM

The Movie Trailers Thread
Thought we could have a thread where we could share any trailers for upcoming movies you're looking forward too.

Whatever Works. Woody Allen + Larry David = Win!

District 9. Neill Blomkamp's shorts are great. With a decent budget and with the help of Peter Jackson, this should be fantastic. See the trailer uncut and translated here.

Bruno. Sacha Baron Cohen is a genius.

Moon, Inglourious Basterds, Drag Me To Hell, Funny People, Public Enemies, Up, Where The Wild Things Are, Thirst, Terminator Salvation, and Harry Potter 5 look great too.

Inaudible-Whisper 2009.05.29 07:31 AM

Toy Story 3! :D:D:D

mizer_unmei 2009.05.29 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Inaudible-Whisper (Post 55198)

Ooh, looks good! I was seriously pissed off when (before Pixar legally owned Disney) Disney started an in-house animation studio that tried to make their own Toy Story 3. But Pixar never ever fails me. (A little lack luster with A Bug's Life, but that's just in comparison with their other ones.) But just how old is Andy going to be now? The guy who did his voice before certainly can't do his old voice now...

Aaand yeah, I need to see Up now. I was just biking near the theater today, but I had to get home. I feel odd not seeing it first day because I'm such a big Pixar fangirl but I'm going to have to wait a couple days...


Edit: Thanks Wikipedia!
But I never really like the idea of getting rid of one's toys. Plus it's a little too "Brave Little Toaster" to me. But Jodi Benson (Ariel in The Little Mermaid -- ie: the voice of my childhood) and Michael Keaton (ie: Mr. Mom, Beetlejuice and Batman! ie: the second most influential actor of my childhood, next to Robin Williams) are actors in this one! I'm am sooooo much more excited for this now!

Orenji 2009.05.29 05:12 PM

Oh, I didn't know they were making Toy Story 3!!! OMG, TS 1 & 2 were two of my childhood movies! I must have watched both of them like 50 times :wub:.

I'm dying to watch Inglourious Basterds, man. Tarantino's my fav director.

Inaudible-Whisper 2009.06.11 03:59 PM

Scorsese's Shutter Island trailer looks pretty great. Let's hope it isn't that obvious what is going on; I haven't read feedback on the trailer yet without reading "Dicaprio is Patient 67". Has to be a red herring. Or not a plot twist at all but a major part of the story learnt early on.

kuro_neko 2009.06.11 04:17 PM

watching that trailer is interesting, I knew Scorsese was in town filming but I had no idea what. Most of the movie was shot within 30minutes to an hour from my house in any given direction and I've been to a lot of the locations but I've got to say MAN it looks pretty. I think I've even broken into the hospital that they used for the movie (Medfield Mental Hospital) and while the island looks largely cgi, it was shot and based around one of the real historic islands in the harbor that most school children visit at one time or another.

but man, Dicaprio, seriously, your Brahmin accent is so obnoxious. No one in Boston actually talks like that anymore and he seems to be the only person in the movie using it. Everytime they release a movie set in Boston the Brahmin accents are out of control, seriously, get mah cah out of mah yahd!

mizer_unmei 2009.06.11 08:24 PM

Well, it does take place seemingly in the 30s so people would have the accent back then.

Shutter Island looks gorgeous, and like a pretty good thriller. I wouldn't mind seeing it. However I have this undying disdain for Scorsese. Raging Bull was seriously one of the worst movies I've ever seen, The Age of Innocence bored me to tears and The Departed just pissed me off... partly because of the overly cinematic sweeping scenes (Jack Nicholson's death was SO CAMP) and Infernal Affairs is one of my favorite movies and he just ruined it. Plus he's often a director TCM gets to talk about stuff, and he's always just yelling at me, which doesn't make me like him any more. Ugh. So we'll have to see...

And I'm also pumped for Inglorious Basterds, but I'm sooooo sad he cut the Maggie Cheung scenes. She rarely does movies now a days and he should've kept it in even if he has to compromise the length of his movie. XP

kuro_neko 2009.06.11 11:37 PM

Shutter Island is supposed to take place in 1956 according to the book...

still, when everyone else in the movie sounds normal and DiCaprio is all like WHAH IS MAH CAH!!!! it seems a little ridiculous. Granted, I do know people with a Brahmin accent, but its a lot rarer than movies would have you to believe.

Maggie Cheung got edited out of Inglorious Bastards? What? I didn't even know she was in it.

ShinjiPG 2009.06.12 02:36 AM


Maggie Cheung as Madame Ada Mimeux: Although her scenes were cut from the Cannes cut for length reasons, Cheung played Madame Mimieux, a beautiful French woman who owns a cinema marquee in Paris.
I suppose she will be edited in in the full lenght version.

Inaudible-Whisper 2009.06.12 03:36 AM

I doubt it. The biggest criticism of IB at Cannes was it's length. The Weinstein's apparently want him to cut 40 minutes off the theatrical cut (though one critic claimed that is ridiculous and would ruin the movie). A 20 minute cut seems more likely, and was recommended in a few reviews.

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