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frecklegirl 2007.04.02 11:58 AM

[SR] 2007.02.21 - Heisei Fuuzoku (CD) [Album]
平成風俗 (Heisei Fuuzoku)

01. ギャンブル (Gamble)
02. 茎 (Kuki)
03. 錯乱 TERRA ver. (Sakuran TERRA ver.)
04. ハツコイ娼女 (Hatsukoi Shoujo)
05. パパイヤマンゴー (Papaya Mango)
06. 意識 (Ishiki)
07. 浴室 (Yokushitsu)
08. 迷彩 (Meisai)
09. ポルターガイスト (Poltergeist)
10. カリソメ乙女 TAMEIKESANNOH ver. (Karisome Otome TAMEIKESANNOH ver.)
11. 花魁 (Oiran)
12. 夢のあと (Yume no Ato)
13. この世の限り (Kono Yo no Kagiri)
Total Playtime: 51:58

Limited Availability: Amazon.co.jp, CD Japan, HMV Japan, YesAsia
Retail Availability: Amazon.co.jp, CD Japan, HMV Japan, YesAsia

frecklegirl 2007.04.04 01:28 AM

HF reactions! If you put them in the old forums, say them again, or talk about how your opinion has changed upon more listenings (if any).

For me, I have some mixed feelings about this album. I like some songs, but it's nothing I can play straight through and like almost everything like I can with KSK. I wish it had a more cohesive artistic vision than just "songs she made primarily for this movie." Unlike most people, though, I really like "Papaya Mango" and dislike "Hatsukoi Shoujo." Oh, and I think "Karisome Otome" sounds REALLY weird with English lyrics, at least at the beginning. I always cringe when I hear the English, because after hearing the familiar opening sounds you're expecting Japanese, and it just sounds awkward. It gets better later on, but that beginning part is hard to swallow...

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.04 05:19 AM

I liked this whole album from the second I heard it, and my opinion really hasn't changed that much since my first listen a month ago.

My only issue is one that someone mentioned on the old forums: once you get past all the vocal layering in Hatsukoi Shoujo, there really isn't much to it, which disappointed me since that song sounded so cool at first. Not that I don't like it now (it's still fun to listen to), but it's always a let-down to hear it, now that I have that knowledge.

Other than that, I can honestly say that I like every song on this album. It probably has something to do with the "newness" of my Ringo fandom.

timuist 2007.04.04 01:03 PM

This is a great album. I don't know how to explain how I feel about it though. In a way, its not a brand new album, I see it more as Ringo's Jazz Orchestra album.

badtzmaru 2007.04.04 02:27 PM

Copied and pasted from Jesse's forums... o_o;;
I think I liked "Gamble" the best, although I like the original version better. I don't hate this version and I think it was put together really nicely for this style, but I love "Gamble" as a rock song. (I'm waiting for the movie version to come out. T_T) Like some people said, I don't like the 'squeakiness' at the end of her words (just one or two would've been nice) but I really love the 'catty scream' (dunno how to describe that) she did at the end of the last chorus. It was amazing watching her sing that part in the Bokura no Ongaku 3 show. *_*

Other songs that I liked were "Papaya Mango," "Meisai," and "Poltergeist." I love this more authentic jazzy version of "Meisai," especially the trumpet part between the verses. (I loved it when she did that side-kick thingy during the performances. XD) "Poltergeist" is the only song I've heard with words and still sounds like classical music, if that makes sense. I think it'd be a great song to waltz to. *_* And what can I say, I really like the "Papaya Mango" cover. :)

"Oiran" was interesting, but I can't tell if I liked it or not; all I know is that I liked it as much as "Hatsukoi Shoujo." The other English songs were all okay and entertaining. But yeah, I think overall I didn't have any real favorites in this album, like Justriiingo (except sort of "Gamble.")

It bothers me that the track list was soo close to being symmetrical. >_< I bet Ringo was greatly bothered by it, too.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.04 02:56 PM

Its an alright album. I was mainly positve on the album upom its release. I grew to enjoy Kono yo ni, i was really keen on Hatsukoi and I liked Gamble.

Everything else, however, falls into the reason why I've yet to hear the entire album a second time. I was dissapointed by Oiran, Papaya Mango is not a shade more than "aight." Sakuran by this point I grew tired of. Karisome was never a particularly strong enough song to warrant being done and redone as it was. And there was nothing else on it we hadn't heard since '03.

Alot of people like to point that Shiina looks ill-ly of her early career and bah blah, that shes supposedy likes this kinda stuff better (I don't doubt she likes it, but I question the first part.) Yet this really-really seems more like a grab for cash than anything remotely artistic. And in this case I'd defnately rather an unhappy artist thats made to pretend to have artistic scruples than one doing whatever they wanted, and regurgtating stuff in a quick turn around for seemingly no reason than to bank on a movie deal.

ophy 2007.04.04 03:41 PM

I loved the album, I still don't like Kono Yo no Kagiri though. It makes me angry...for some unknown reason.

I don't much get the bad reviews this album is getting, maybe I am just an overly positive person when it comes to Ringo. I really enjoy each track, and though a few seem somewhat hollow, they are all pleasant to listen to.

This version of Yokushitsu is fantastic and is fighting with Yami ni Furu Ame for my current favorite. ;)

Maou 2007.04.04 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by ophy (Post 432)
I don't much get the bad reviews this album is getting

Well, you can't expect great reviews for an album that's almost half rehashed material even if it does come together as a decent package.

I'd give the album a 7/7.5 or something in that range. I like it, but I don't love it. Meisai, Gamble, Sakuran, and Hatsukoi Shoujo rank as very good-great for me, but the rest of the album isn't really up to par. Yume no Ato was the great disappointment on this album for me since it's one of my favorite Jihen songs. It felt like it could be so much more. Oiran is simply one of my least favorite R/J songs.

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