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Scribble R 2009.08.31 04:32 AM

Best song on Sanmon Gossip
Or your favourite, rather. Can we have a poll pleeeeease (And maybe a 'worst' one too)

In advance, mine is Togatta Teguchi. Rabid robotic children on the street digging at stone with sharp daggers while nursery rhymes blare from a nearby sound system comes to mind (In a good way) . IMO, SG's saving grace in showing what SR can or can not do atm. This is her forte. Reminds me of those trashy dance tracks, but with more depth. Rap is the icing on the cake. Channels DDR like someone else here said. Shouso Strip would be proud.

Lena-chan 2009.08.31 04:51 AM

best bonsai hada

worst tsugou ii karada

Controversy 2009.08.31 04:54 AM

Togatta Teguchi and Bonsai Hada. (lol!)

the opening for TT blew me away. like seriously. while BH reminds me of Tsumi to Batsu. albeit in a subdued way.

Scribble R 2009.08.31 04:59 AM

Yeah the opening for TT is like BAM

makenshiww 2009.08.31 06:19 AM

im gonna have to say. Togatta Teguchi as well.
Its fun to listen to and is almost like the after math of SG.

But secondly i would have to say Tsugou Ii karada. AS much as so many hate it , I think I like it for the reasons that everyone else dislikes it.

And as far as disliked tracks, Not really one i hate, i would probably be track 2?

bad I cant think of the title right away. I rarely listen to it , when I do its cute I guess.
I really enjoyed this album in general, you guys don't know how much fun some of these songs are to sing at karaoke.

ChickShhh 2009.08.31 06:42 AM

Best: Shun

Worst: Futari Jikan thing.

Controversy 2009.08.31 06:45 AM

the opening of track two makes me gag. okay not really. but i can't handle the rapping in that song, especially in the opening. :(

Cinders 2009.08.31 07:03 AM

I love Tsugou Ii Karada. :< It's easily my favorite.
2nd would probably be Bonsai Hada
3rd would probably be Shun or Karisome Otome

As for TT, I liked it at first, but the more I listen to it, the less it impresses me. :\

Scribble R 2009.08.31 07:05 AM

I think this would be my final order from best to worst:

1.Togatta Teguchi
2. Shun OR zero chiten kara
4. Rodousha
5. Yokyou (Hated it before. But the guitaa made it a grower)
6. Ryuukou (Used to be my favourite, but stale now)
7. MaruSad
8. Bonsai Hada ("Hay guys, this is klassik Shiina AND ACCORDION soo klassik Shiina")
9. Mittei Monogatari
10. Mayakashi
11. Irokoizata
12. Ii Karada
13. Futari Bocchi
14. Karisome Otome

so_cold 2009.08.31 07:26 AM

Favourite: Shun. I'd love to vote for one of the Nobuhiko Nakayama tracks, but honestly this has really pleasing vocals, lovely chromatic chord movements in the verse and Josei's impeccable grooviness. If listening over headphones, I have to do the Honnou-listening thing of turning the volume up at 2:25 to the point that her voice, the strings and the piano when it cuts back in sound distorted. It can't be overplayed either, I tested that out... <_<

Least favourite: Tsugou no ii karada. *strays off-topic* I think the day I realised I loved Keshou Naoshi was when I had the melody to the chorus in my head and I didn't know which song it was. It kept on playing and playing and getting even more beautiful. Tsugou ... is like its opposite and a discount-store bottle of wine. I can find myself treacherously enjoying the experience at times (maybe the triple-meter bit?) but it has a kind of rough musical aftertaste and gives me a hangover...

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