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frecklegirl 2007.05.01 02:41 AM

Tokyo Jihen New Single & Fall Tour [2007]
Am I really breaking this news? wow...

Anyway, it's in the May email newsletter for the fanclub members. Tokyo Jihen's new single will be released on July 11. It seems there was a leak from someone in the studio about this news so they had to go ahead and announce it officially (I bet 2ch was buzzing). So there's been recording in the studio, "so it's not difficult to imagine that an album is far behind."

The sound of the new album will be different from HF, with new songs that explore new things. Title and other details are not yet decided on.

The tour will be October through November of 2007, and will be a "live house tour" which means smaller venues, less stadium style places. So more intimacy between the band and the audience, but probably less seats and so forth. Ringohan members, of course, get first shot at tickets. I wish I was going back to Japaannnnn! Why couldn't they have had this damn thing in 2006 when I WAS there then?! ahhh

golem09 2007.05.01 02:48 AM

Oh, hell, YES!

July is earlier than I expected. *looking for some place to preorder*

Glathannus 2007.05.01 02:53 AM

I'm especially curious about what style(s) they'll be getting into, if it's a deviation from Adult and HF, and if it's a style Ringo hasn't touched on (much) before. She should throw a little reggae into the mix. If Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra could combine reggae with ska (as evident with Reminiscent Lilac), Ringo could combine it with old school or neo jazz. Sublime has already beat her on combining reggae with rock.

I'm not a huge reggae fan because I think some of it is overrated,
*cough* Bob Marley *cough*
but it would be interesting to hear Ringo's take on it, and I'm assuming her singing would be more under control with it than with the more rock-oriented stuff she's done in recent years. Plus I don't imagine Ukigumo fucking it up too much if somebody gives him an acoustic guitar.

Final point of curiousity is, will the single version be different than the album version? Will the B-Sides be covers like we had with Shuraba, or will they be MORE alternate versions of songs on the upcoming album, like with KYNK before FH? Or what about completely unique B-Sides like Kokoro?

golem09 2007.05.01 03:09 AM

I hope they will fill the b-side with completely new song. That whole Karisome Otome - Sakuran thingy with different versions was nice, but I don't want something like that again.

And some more Jazz would be really nice. Just now I am stuck on Rinne Highlight. Wonderful song. An album with songs like this would be awesome.

Pancio 2007.05.01 04:16 AM

well...it seems that this year too I won't be able to see that bitch* (Ringo of course) Live...... WHY, I say, WHY everytime i'm in japan she just decide to take a break from live shows!?! :(

However great news.

* "Bitch" here is used as a cute nickname :D

kuro_neko 2007.05.01 04:28 AM

Good News (for some of us)
in the new fan letter two new pieces of information were disclosed, very early, so no real official announcement yet other than the small details buuuut

7/11 Tokyo Jihen new single is being released. Not title or information on it, but this does confirm, according to the news letter, that they have been in the studio recording (yes, all five same Phase Two members)


2007 10-11 live house tour.

;;swears loudly;;

If anyone is going to be abroad next year, GOOD FOR YOU.

They are going to be play a fall tour at live houses, and according to the news letter, this is a decision based on the distance that is placed between performers and audience members, they want to MINIMIZE that and give you a show that will, I quote, make you cry and have nose bleeds.

Aka Ringo and band two feet from your face in a tiny general admission live house.

oh, and the unofficial slog "taste the incidents of fall"

this tour is having a fall theme so yeah, anyways, there you go

NEW SINGLE and NEW TOUR all announced. I would imagine with a tour in 10/11 and a single in 7, we can expect the album to drop either 8 or 9, so August or September people.

cjhobbies00 2007.05.01 04:37 AM

I'm SO HAPPY, i'm literally in tears.

golem09 2007.05.01 04:52 AM

hmm, any difference between the two threads?

Lena-chan 2007.05.01 05:44 AM

I think TJ's new direction will be eletronicareggaemetal

CatchFiveBats 2007.05.01 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by Glathannus (Post 3392)
I'm not a huge reggae fan because I think some of it is overrated,
*cough* Bob Marley *cough*

I agree completely about Bob Marley (I'm more of a first-wave ska person than a reggae person myself, although most folks wouldn't be able to tell the difference). And as for the new single, KICKASS. I'll have to preorder it whenever it becomes available.

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