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kuro_neko 2009.08.06 08:01 PM

The RPG Thread
Okay, so I wanted to talk about some old school RPG's, but more recently, did anyone play Skies of Arcadia? Sega launched a site saying they have a new rpg they are going to announce on Aug 20th (coinciding with the street date for Famitsu) and based on the artwork on the site people are flipping out sayings its Skies of Arcadia. What do you think?

This was probably one of the last games I played that impressed me quite strongly, I often felt that childhood wondrous magic while playing it. the sense of adventure combined with the storyline of sci-fi and sky pirates was quite captivating.

Ringo~Bingo 2009.08.07 12:03 AM

Skies was probably one of the greatest RPG's ever created in my opinion, I even bought the two Japanese version as well just so I'd own all versions. The ships wheel on the site page would certainly suggest that it's got a nautical theme at least? But there is only one character outline, Vyse maybe? but what about Aika? I truly hope this is a follow up cause that would be incredible!

kuro_neko 2009.08.07 02:16 AM

the outlines of the two (if you refresh you can get a possible two characters). one is a girl jumping in the same pose Aika does when you win battles. if you look clearly you can see a similar (more realistic) hair style (the braids). As for Vyse, that image is really hard to make out but you can tell it is a guy wearing a pirate outfit more or less (the boots and everything). The nautical wheel fits the whole theme, Sega said about two years ago they wanted to do a sequel as well....makes me excited.

either way, since they are counting down to famitsu to make their site public with an announcement the news will probably leak since copies of that are bound to get out before the street date for that issue.

exciittteeedd. I didn't know there were a whole bunch of versions, I just have Legends for Wii.

Ringo~Bingo 2009.08.07 02:26 AM

Yeah I refreshed and saw her, definitely looks like this is a sequel *prays*

I never knew it was on the Wii? All my versions are Dreamcast.

kuro_neko 2009.08.07 11:56 AM

oops, I meant gamecube. the game got rereleased for gamecube, as Skies of Arcadia Legends, with bonus content. there are some extra features, and an extra sidestory that involves a doctor, a young girl, and then a bounty hunter pirate who is the a total pain in the ass named Piastol. they shortened the load times, lessened randomized battles (but upped experience to accommodate), and enhanced the polygon count in the graphics. overall it was a pretty enhanced remake. I said Wii by accident cuz the Wii is backwards compatible with the Gamecube. Also, if this is a Skies of Arcadia game, it will probably be on Wii first and ported to other systems later, based on previous statements and rumors.

edit: some people are saying that they think the male outline looks like a lancer from Valkyria Chronicles and other people say that the flashing electronic bands that go across resemble Phantasy Star (which hasn't had an original RPG in quite some time...) Although most people are hoping for Skies or Arcadia, they are skeptic about getting their hopes up. Valkyria Chronicles had Vyse and Aika appear in the game as cameos (and are featured an episode of the anime, at least Vyse is), so Sega hasn't completely forgotten. It was just annouced that VC is getting an official sequel for the PSP in Famitsu in July (it already has it's own website...)

then again, this could be something entirely original, although the rumor machine for a Skies sequel was going pretty strong about a year/two years ago, enough time for Sega to make headway on a sequel. for a while people really thought there was a pending announcement....I hope that doesn't happen again.

Cinders 2009.08.11 02:44 PM

i've been playing the original Grandia and having lots of fun with it

bromithia 2009.08.11 11:49 PM

I loooooooooooooooooooooove Grandia. I should play it again.

Playing Final Fantasy 9 right now, though. :b

Lena-chan 2009.08.14 02:18 PM

I have been playing...
pokemon platinum
since I took my wise teeths

Osiris12345 2009.08.14 08:25 PM

Playing Tales of Destiny for the first time in years. It's really taking me back.

a_grumble_cake 2009.08.15 03:18 AM

I grew up playing western PC games so I'm only now getting to play all those old console jRPG classics. Some old games really shine (Suikoden II) but a lot of oldschool classics didn't really age that well. I never mention names because I know the fans would be upset :)

I actually played Skies or Arcadia on a dreamcast emulator about a year ago, after I saw it on this great top 20 essential JRPG list.

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