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Glathannus 2008.04.17 12:07 AM

The Narrator of Ringo Jihen
This story is an alternative to the writing style of Tokyo Jihad, with his "EMF: A history || 1 Year anniversary" thread. While both stories get outrageous at times, the main difference here is more of this particular story is true than you might believe is possible. The innuendo is here to keep your skepticism healthy, not because I joke around much.

Once upon a time, Ringo Jihen was a happy place,
where everyone who joined felt like they had something to contribute.

One day a co-admin was appointed, primarily to help develop the site, rather than to moderate, because the site founder didn't have the time or the motivation for that. The co-admin seemed to have the best of intentions, but after awhile, he began to realize that he was the only one around to potentially moderate.

Eventually the Narrator joined, not yet familiar with the authority situation.

Months later, the co-admin figured out he could have a bigger e-penis if more people joined and posted at Ringo Jihen, and that the easiest way to spark this, was to publicly declare the existence of a "Media Board", with a "You need at least 10 posts to enter!" rubbed in everyone's face. Unsurprisingly, this promoted quite a lot of spam, until all the Media Board required was for you to be a "member", which was also public knowledge.

Almost a year after joining, the Narrator was banished indefinitely, for getting especially confrontational about living situation issues with someone who just so happened to be the co-admin, ontop of quiet complaints a few users had against the Narrator over perceived insults toward them too. Days later, after public debate about his fate, the Narrator was unbanned. Though that was ultimately the correct final decision to make, the co-admin should have seen this behavior from the Narrator as symptoms of a much deeper threat...

The Narrator was grateful to be back, and behaved much better, but kept a watchful eye on the moral integrity of the co-admin, for the Narrator was well aware that one of the co-admin's friends periodically posted far worse things than Narrator, but never got warned or punished.

Fast forward a couple months, to the dawn of HF's release. The Narrator took the very lonely stance of defending the co-admins decision not to leak a pre-release HF rip that the co-admin had just reviewed. The co-admin's close friends didn't know that was the case, and unleashed the most outrageous attacks on the Narrator. Then the entire series of posts (including the Narrator's responses to the flames) disappeared. Then some hard rules were finally laid out, for "You CANNOT personally attack other members!".

The Narrator felt so cheated for the lack of embarrassment or reprimands toward the co-admin's friends, that the Narrator started punching himself in the face, in the form of a User Profile update that flamed himself in all the most vile ways the co-admins friends wanted to, but lacked the articulation for, as an implied reminder that not only aren't they the best at flaming, but that their misguided attempts would never be forgotten no matter how many threads the co-admin cleared out. The co-admin should have perceived this profile update as another red flag, but left it alone until a month later - the day the co-admin banished the Narrator again, and the profile was only an afterthought at the time.

A month later, the co-admin started personally attacking one of the Narrator's friends in public. Another friend stood up in defense, then that entire debate (starting with the attack from the co-admin) was deleted, and the Narrator started sending private messages to one of the friends and to the co-admin, about corruption of power. His friend never got the message, because the Narrator didn't know they were already quietly banned.

In the heat of the moment, the Narrator was quietly banished too, then the original admin too, since the rogue co-admin knew that what he was doing was wrong. But like a police commissioner trying to crack down on underground boxing clubs, the co-admin incurred the wrath of forces he couldn't even begin to understand.

Deemed as a failure of genetic experimentation on military children abroad, Tyler Durden wasn't born with the traits that the Reagan Administration wanted, and thus the project was scrapped. But they underestimated the monster they had created, and Tyler remained off their radar while his youthful years included flipping his mother off before he could talk, scaring all his babysitters to death, and making a disturbing example out of a bully his size. Tyler Durden then took his frustrations to the internet, where much to the delight of most spectators, he ripped to shreds the egos and reputations of dozens of otherwise 'untouchable' users prior to his years as a Shiina Ringo fan, automatically justifying his own behavior in the process. Anytime Tyler Durden was "perma-banned" in a community, administrators would mysteriously have a change of heart and overturn it within a few days, and never in a second-chance manner.

That is what the co-admin was dealing with, but he never knew what hit him. Project Mayhem spread like wildfire, and suddenly this social infrastructure of users the co-admin thought he could count on, were no longer behind him. Not even welcoming the banished members back into Ringo Jihen could fix that. Tyler Durden and his crew had already placed all the bombs, and the collapse of the community was imminent. Shortly before the explosions, after ascertaining that the co-admin was back to politics as usual, Tyler Durden took the unbanished opportunity to publicly tear the co-admin apart, with an unprecedented cold fury that would make Emperor Palpatine jealous.

With Tyler Durden's vision of a Land of Chaos fulfilled (or so he thought), Tyler departed to whereabouts unknown, and hasn't been seen amongst the Shiina Ringo fanbase ever since. Rumor has it that if conformity becomes too unnaturaly prevailent again, Tyler Durden will return to bring everything back to basics.

Meanwhile the Narrator just wants to get on with his life, and has only recently come to understand why members of Project Mayhem bring him beer.

Lena-chan 2008.04.17 04:00 AM

I never watched Fight Club
*brings beer to glath*

Maou 2008.04.17 07:58 AM

Just a fun little fact to add: one of the banned members never got his account back at the old forum. Care to guess which one? ;)

EmilScherbe 2008.04.17 09:28 AM

I think you should not use American cultual reference
because there are peoples in this forum include me who
want to know what actually happened in RJ
and it is obstacle to understand what you mean.

I was irritated of lack of accountability and transparency when
you and your American friends took over Ringo Jihen.

Tokyo Jihad 2008.04.17 10:08 AM

In all respects, Sherbert, I don't get the cultural reference either, and I'm american. (until the reference was stated)

I say we ban Glath :hmph:

Maou 2008.04.17 10:29 AM

That's because you watch only movies rated PG-13 and lower, Jihad. :P

justriiingo 2008.04.17 12:02 PM

I agree with EmilS. Lose the figurative language! (Yes both Glath and Jihad!)
Why say something in 15 words when it can be said with 3?

frecklegirl 2008.04.17 12:57 PM

waitttt let's remember that this "co-admin" was not appointed. Rather, he had been making remarks for months that another admin was needed because Sakura and Loire were absent so often. Op2 was a relatively new RJ member, he only joined about a month or so before I did. Finally, he came up with a new layout for the forum, which he wanted to install but couldn't without admin status, and pestered them into making him an admin so he could put in the new layout.

And then he never let go of the power he received. haha

But everyone seems to forget he wasn't appointed, rather he pestered them until they made him an admin!!


Originally Posted by EmilScherbe (Post 28040)
I was irritated of lack of accountability and transparency when
you and your American friends took over Ringo Jihen.

Uhh what? it's not like we had some American Invasion or anything. You mean how we made EMF and got everyone to move over there? No one was trying to have a "lack of accountability," we just assumed most people knew the story. You're trying to imply that we were dishonest about how we made the new forum but we were not at all, rather we were more like refugees escaping an authoritative ruler seeking a safe haven of our own. WE were the victims, we didn't "take over" anything. If anyone has any questions about how things went down, they can feel free to ask and those who witnessed it will explain, in more clear nonbiased terms than Jihad and Glath have used so far in their versions (which were done for humor).

And being American has absolutely zero to do with anything. The fact that a forum once run by two Italians, who added a third Canadian admin later, is now run by two Americans and one of those Italians, is pure coincidence. o_o

Glathannus 2008.04.17 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by justriiingo (Post 28052)
I agree with EmilS. Lose the figurative language! (Yes both Glath and Jihad!)
Why say something in 15 words when it can be said with 3?

Somebody else can tell the unadulterated story if they'd like.
I don't feel comfortable with posting it myself, because the crowd of people who look up to me is small, and I'd like to keep it that way without having to be a lurker, a jerk, or a liar.

cjhobbies00 2008.04.17 02:19 PM

uh, can we not go back to that time?

Please don't apply that anti-American prejudice to our admins. To say that they invaded and took over control is a little harsh and a bit of a cheap shot.

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