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Old 2007.08.31, 08:25 AM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Ghanada
Posts: 270
Op2 is headed in the right direction

Originally Posted by Lena-chan View Post
I don't dislike, but I don't like either
if there was a neutral option I would chose
That wouldn't make sense. If we are polling what a person thinks they like or dislike about a song, what sense does it make if they are neutral? Personally, I don't think a person can be neutral about a song. I thought about this before making the poll. Either you will listen to the song (option 2), or maybe you will at times (option 3), or you completely hate it and will not listen to it (option 4).

There is no such feeling with music where a person is completely neutral, and listening to the song brings no emotion whatsoever; I highly doubt people would enjoy listening to a song like that, and it would therefore be under dislike or hate. Think about it. No one listens to music that is neutral to them, either they like at least some parts of it, or they do not enjoy listening to it. In the case where they ARE listening to it, clearly they must like some part of it, which is why there is (option 2); if they were listening to it and they did not really like it, that would be (option 3). The poll isn't about "oh yeah it's ok I guess" - it's about actually finding where you fit in; do you like it, or not? And, since stated above, neutral ground doesn't really exist.

BTW, I find it highly ironic that if a person had a so-called "neutral" perspective about a song, ie: NO OPINION, that they would then participate in an opinion POLL.

Last edited by Op2 : 2007.08.31 at 08:35 AM.
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