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Old 2007.11.05, 10:48 PM   #103
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 106
imkookoo is headed in the right direction

I have to agree with Hedofloe. I like this album, and some ways it is stronger than Adult... the songs have more of an experimental arrangement. Adult has stronger melodies, however. At least they are more memorable and distinct. The melodies of this album have a familiar sound.. like several garage band music I've heard.

Quality-wise, Adult triumphs as well. The drums are very weak and even sound like they are MIDI synths. And the mixing job is not so good, cause some songs sound like Hirama's voice doesn't belong there. Like he's singing on top of music playing in the background.

But I still like the album. I kinda like the unrefined sound -- it gives songs more of a raw, personal edge rather than an album that's processed through a whole assembly line of professional mixers, masterers, etc.
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