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Old 2007.04.25, 10:12 PM   #13
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Jer is headed in the right direction

Protip: Listen to independent labels and bands. I'm not opposed to a good major label artist. They're just rare finds. The major labels and RIAA only see music as a commodity and not an art form. Independent artists actually get paid rather than scammed by their labels (or themselves) and generally aren't producing the same shit that gets played all day on the radio or MTV. It's amusing these days to see the major labels suffering because of the internet. People are finding new artists and new ways of hearing music beyond their control and they're scared as fuck about it. We're not restricted to radio and television sets anymore and they're losing that tight grip over our eyes and ears that they've held for so long when it comes to media. They're trying to conform and failing; they're trying to label themselves as alternative and indie without actually being alternative and indie. The RIAA and the major labels under it are trying to charge you for intangible things and doing whatever they can before they crash and have to start from the bottom again. The fact is you're in control now and they can do nothing about it so don't waste your time trying to find good music in the "industry" and look for some geniune artists.
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