Thread: Our fav. movies
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Old 2007.05.02, 11:33 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by NIMH Rat View Post
My problem with "Pan's Labyrinth" is that the girl was such a goody two-shoes. No, worse than that, she was a total blank slate. Had no personality except she was cute and nice. Lots of people in the theatre were crying at the end, probably cuz they could project themselves into this nothing character and felt like they were the ones being tragically victimized.
Hmm, I didn't think she was a goody two-shoes. I can remember one good example of her revealing another side to her by giving into temptation, which really annoyed me and scared the heck out of me. @_@;; But she did have good morals, which I don't think is the same as being a goody two-shoes. (I didn't feel like she was trying to impress anyone.) And like TJ said, she was in a tough situation.
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