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Old 2008.09.16, 07:49 AM   #28
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Just saw the email so I had to run here to see if kuro had translated the news, which he thankfully did!

I'll be getting both boxes... but I don't know when I'll be able to pre-order them >_< Damn, 200$ !!!
I want the CD-Box because I've never owned everything "brand-new" and my KSK isn't even a Japanese version. Also, remastered sounds good.
And I want the DVD-Box even though I have no way of playing those DVDs at the moment, I learned that the hard way from the HF Box, but if the HF Box is any clue, I'll buy it just for the packaging... especially the poster. I've loved all her images for her 10th anniversary stuff so I'm hoping it will be great! (and large!)
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