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Old 2009.04.29, 11:28 PM   #2
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you did the right thing, no one can post in news, so you post it in general discussion thread and an admin moves it to the news.

daaaannnng you are certainly a fast and productive little bee, totally giving the seasoned news reporters a run for their money, good job, XD

concerning the actual news,

I'm so annoyed with Ringo writing this for this artist and that for that artist and putting songs on albums. a 1000 yen single I can deal with. I own Hiyori Hime. Contributing single track album songs for various artists is a bit evil when you consider most of these are one offs being sold on 3000 yen albums that myself or other people might not buy otherwise. However, if I had known I would have to buy the 3000 yen album to get another Ringo song she wrote for Puffy, it would have been nice to know a bit earlier so as to save me the single, which has no extra karaoke or benefit, just the same track as will be on the album.

between this and tori dori it is borderline pushing it. that is like 6000 yen I will probably drop on getting ringo penned songs. with any luck this will end up on digital vendors where I can just buy the mp3 or whatever for like 150 yen. LAAAAMME

edit: if anyone is curious, the new track's translation would be "Leading Lady" as in the female star of a movie or performance of some sort.

Last edited by kuro_neko : 2009.04.30 at 12:23 AM.
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