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Old 2009.06.23, 05:19 AM   #157
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Ringo~Bingo knows what you did last summerRingo~Bingo knows what you did last summer

What's with the little rap at the end of "Togatta Teguchi" ? totally not needed, it slightly let's down what is a great track (I chopped the rap and it ends in fade out just before his part). "Ryuukou" on the other hand is pretty good rap and all, that surprised me.

Sounds strange having "Karisome Otome" on it in an unaltered form which just sounds ancient and out of place.

Edit: "Bonsai Hada" is a total winner, don't let the accordion put you off "Yokyou" becomes ten times better after ditching the Expo orchestra and is a pretty decent track, though could have done with being a little faster and more energetic seeing as it's a guitar track. It's not the end of the world though.

Edit: "Marunouchi Sadistic" When I finally found some peace and quiet to play it loud it really grew on me! it's awesome.

The more I hear this record the more I like it \0/ it's a grower.

Retro Edit Sep 2009:
I fucking hate the majority of this record for me it ran out of legs after a fortnight which wasn't even comprised of a lot of listens, and I felt it had nothing to really say long term as an album, pretty disposable to be honest and that's what I thought Ringo was the antithesis of?.

I can (if I really force myself) listen to "Bonsai Hada" every so often (though I don't) it's probably the best of a bad bunch but only shines because of that. Among her older more illustrious works this track would probably be seen as a lesser effort I feel.

I initially intended to go on but I honestly cannot remember the names of the majority of the tracks and lack the effort to go re-listen to identify each one. Bar two mostly palatable but forgettable tracks I cannot say that I have any positive feelings for this record.

And don't get me started on that bloody DVD.

Last edited by Ringo~Bingo : 2009.09.04 at 03:49 AM.
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