Thread: Our fav. movies
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Old 2009.06.23, 05:02 PM   #477
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Originally Posted by Glathannus View Post
Is it out on DVD already, or is it just now reaching theaters in Portugal?
It only premiered here in April 23, which is disappointing because that means it's not mainstream/widespread enough = definitely few people watched it (first week was #5). Altough there's probably a billion legal/paperwork business I'm not aware of, that delay the releasings. But usually the only movies that get great box office performance here are the ones that are released next to/on the original date, so... Theatres in Portugal never take risks (which is sad).
Anyway, I downloaded it xD But I'll end up buying because I collect Naomi Watts.

Originally Posted by mizer_unmei View Post
AND I watched "Perfume" with my sister and a friend and it often comes up in conversation about how I was the only one to actually stay awake for the whole thing. And how I resent them for it. That orgy/getting ripped apart ending is just... no. x.x;
I watched that movie in the theatre and it was completely packed. There was a lot of buzz surrounding the books, like The Da Vinci Code. Reviews were very mixed, but there was an interesting (and predictable) pattern: fans of the book were disappointed, while the rest was generaly happy with the movie.

To be honest, my problem with the movie is the story itself, even tho I'm not questioning the book's quality, as I have not read it. I think that, what is present in the movie, revolves too much around an irrelevant situation and explores it to death, until finally reaching the higher grounds. I have no doubt that the producers were particulary responsible for this. But still, the familiar formula is there: you have the bam in the end and you were most definitely not expecting it. Not in the "What a twist!" way but a way that makes you think "How the hell was I lead to this?" and that's what's brilliant, in my opinion.
I only watched it once tho, and at it's release date, so I'm not that certain of the plot or other elements.
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