Thread: Our fav. movies
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Old 2009.06.23, 05:47 PM   #479
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I just watched The International the other day (we netflixed it). I have to say that Naomi Watts is pretty much the same character in every movie she is in. She can portray the proper intensity and emotions and is a brilliant actress (with the sound off), but its her voice that is her weak spot. She sounds the exact same in every movie she is in, she doesn't utilize changes in her voice for her characters. So no matter what role I see her in, she is stuck in that limbo. Plus she has had the same hair style in pretty much every movie she has ever been in...

as for the movie? I liked how it just sucked you right in immediately, although at times I was battling with why should I care? Other than the corporation being inherently evil, where is the emotional tether to the plot? There was no character buildup or any sort of sympathetic storyline to immediately buy viewer's attention to the plot, so while all this really dramatic dialogue was going on in the back of my mind I'm just like, why do we care this much?

the action was pretty good. the ending was just....failure. The movie ended much like it began, it just...stops. I don't think we need a happy ending or a sad ending or any type of ending really, it just....the movie felt like it started and ending and we weren't seeing the full thiing.
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