Thread: Our fav. movies
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Old 2009.06.23, 05:56 PM   #480
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Originally Posted by golem09 View Post
Oh, and the best clive movie is still Shoot Em Up

So much for wearing your seatbelt
That is filled with impossibilities. Why is there a baby? How does the baby survive? Where does he get that carrot!? I need to see this movie now. It looks awesome. (Oop, I'm watching it again! Hahahaha.)

But I still like Children of Men best. Go go go Michael Caine!

Originally Posted by ShinjiPG View Post
I watched that movie in the theatre and it was completely packed. There was a lot of buzz surrounding the books, like The Da Vinci Code. Reviews were very mixed, but there was an interesting (and predictable) pattern: fans of the book were disappointed, while the rest was generaly happy with the movie.
That's strange because I hadn't even heard about the movie before. My sister just rented it on a whim one day because our friend likes Tom Tykwer and my sister was excited about Alan Rickman. But that was almost a year after its release date, and we'd heard nothing of it before we rented it.
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