Thread: The RPG Thread
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Old 2009.08.07, 02:16 AM   #3
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kuro_neko puts considerable thought into their posts

the outlines of the two (if you refresh you can get a possible two characters). one is a girl jumping in the same pose Aika does when you win battles. if you look clearly you can see a similar (more realistic) hair style (the braids). As for Vyse, that image is really hard to make out but you can tell it is a guy wearing a pirate outfit more or less (the boots and everything). The nautical wheel fits the whole theme, Sega said about two years ago they wanted to do a sequel as well....makes me excited.

either way, since they are counting down to famitsu to make their site public with an announcement the news will probably leak since copies of that are bound to get out before the street date for that issue.

exciittteeedd. I didn't know there were a whole bunch of versions, I just have Legends for Wii.
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