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Old 2009.10.14, 03:27 PM   #12
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WAIT WAIT it gets better

so I'm doing my own research thanks to and I'm finding a lot of confirmation that Jihen is in fact releaseing this single on 12.02 and they will embark on an 18 city 22 show tour afterwards. I don't see any more information on a "new band" or people from "SONGS" or a "dome tour" so I'm guessing that is 2ch embellishing, but since it has been confirmed (at least according to japanese wikipedia) as of 10.01 that izawa will not be appearing with jihen at countdown japan this year me wonders if Ringo is rebooting Jihen, keeping the name and having a few lineup changes, releases a new single, and take them on a huge tour next year, hence the "new band" on wiki. they say "shin bando" which literally means "new band" so it is possibly some of the members of jihen are leaving and being replaced by faces we've seen before, like on songs? this would create a new band and it would also still be Tokyo Jihen? They could be releasing their first single, playing Countdown, then going on a huge tour

I also see that a new album is in lineup too according to multiple sources.

so, what is it? Phase 3 a reality? And if Izawa is leaving I hope he takes Uki with him...

Last edited by kuro_neko : 2009.10.14 at 03:31 PM.
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