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Old 2009.10.20, 01:27 AM   #97
Scribble R
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 2,392
Scribble R can barely hear you above the sound of how awesome they areScribble R can barely hear you above the sound of how awesome they are

I listened to Tokai no Manner a few days and go and thought that it was actually pretty good. I know when it was released there was a lot of 'It has a Phase 2 sound' (Or was that the Puffy song? I haven't actually listened to that) and 'Shoujo Robot v2'

I was hoping that they would cover Tokai Manners during COUNTDOWN. If they wanted to, the whole setlist could consist of Amagasa, the Tori Dori songs, the Puffy song and Sanmon Gossip era. And of course the new music. They needn't touch the older TJ/SR music at all, unless they're going to open with Shuukyou. They may save that for the tour though.

Just thought I'd post this

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