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Old 2009.12.09, 06:18 PM   #6
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Omgoodness, it's scary to think of all the albums that came out in the 2000s. Like, the ones right at the turn of the decade like, Britney Spears and Ayumi Hamasaki. It seems like ages ago. @.@ Even omgoodness Shoso Strip and KZK came out within that time frame.

The main picks that come to mind right now:

Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand (2004)
I've said this before, but I fell in love with this album when it came out. However it was only with about half of the tracks. Darts of Pleasure and Michael were songs I played non-stop. It wasn't until this year, 5 years later, that I fell in love with the rest of the songs I didn't really pay attention to. Jacqueline, The Dark of the Matinée and my new favorite song by them Auf Achse... they're all so good I often think about that fact and am blown away by it all. However much I've tried to, I could never get into either their 2nd or 3rd albums, but it doesn't matter because this album has made me lifetime fans of them.


Metric - Old World Underground, Where are You Now? (2003)

Omgoodness, I played this album soo much. Painfully catchy songs with basically nonsensical lyrics. This album defined a good portion of my Junior year of high school, and is perfect for the quiet times during a road trip.
Again, like FF, Metric hasn't really released an album that was up to par with this one, where all the songs were just that good. But because of this album, I have become a lifelong fan of the group.
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