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Old 2009.12.19, 06:09 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by Ringo~Bingo View Post
You can choose to be ignorant if you want but I don't see a reason as to why you would choose to exclude stuff for reasons solely based on language.
I think it is inevitable that we need to to do some coarse filtering because the world of music is just too big. There are probably plenty of musicians/artists whose work I might potentially be interested in from the past to the present, from Iran, India, Brazil, Germany, to Sudan etc. but don't have the time and resource to seek out.

Population wise, China and India are the largest countries in the world; ever wonder if there are good music being produced there? It seems to me that Japanese cultural products are already much more prominent than those of many other countries.

Where ever you live/what ever language you speak, there are probably local artists or artists who uses your language that are not getting the exposure they might otherwise deserve.

Last edited by D.K.Liu : 2009.12.19 at 06:22 AM.
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