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Old 2010.04.01, 03:28 PM   #94
True Final Boss
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There doesn't need to be a Region 1 release of Dynamite Out. The Japanese release is All Region. Most of the Shiina Ringo & Tokyo Jihen DVDs are actually All Region - despite the vendor websites which assume all of these DVDs are Region 2. I believe Gekokujyo Xstasy is the only Region 2 disc. The rest of the DVDs are All Region - including bonus DVDs (Ringo no Uta and Adult), and the MoRA DVDs. This tends to be the norm with EMI (the Ringohan concert DVD published by Kronekodow Ltd is also All Region). Some of the other Japanese record labels are more anal about Region restrictions. The vendors don't bother keeping track of which Japanese releases are All Region versus which ones are truly Region 2 - they just want you to assume the worst about Regions so they're not liable if you end up buying a disc that doesn't work for you. In reality, there's dozens of people in this community who will tell you the one and only legitimate release of Dynamite Out plays in their Region 1 setup just fine.

Check the starting post of this thread. The Japanese branch of Amazon (avoid the North American branches because they'll rip you off on Japanese releases), CD Japan, and HMV Japan should all offer you legitimate All Region copies - whether they realize it or not. The Japanese branch of Tower Records used to ship internationally, but now they pretty much don't anymore. All the EMF links to Tower are broken after Tower recently overhauled their site anyway.
You know Tokyo Jihen is a supergroup, when you can't blame most of the members for wanting to pursue other projects.
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