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Old 2010.07.04, 06:26 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by mizer_unmei View Post
Hong Kong has lovely movie. The aforementioned In The Mood For Love is one of my favorites. But everything Wong Kar Wai touches is gorgeous. (... for the most part.)

So, Chungking Express, Fallen Angels, Happy Together, 2046, they're all lovely.
Lust, Caution is good too. Though, with lots of nudity and has the Japanese occupation as a backdrop.
I've heard that Zhang Yimou's films with Gong Li in the early/mid 90s (To Live, Shanghai Triad) are pretty good. But I've only seen Raise the Red Lantern. Which I kinda liked until the end, which was crap and made me angry.
pish posh. Raise the Red Lantern is an amazing movie with a brutal ending. It is a wonder it ever got past the censors in China (it was banned for a while) and a movie of that courage almost never gets made in Hollywood, so I think it warrants a look.

and, on a completely different note, if you haven't seen the original The Eye by the Pang Brothers, definitely check that out as well.

edit: oh, and I support watching Lust, Caution too, although technically that movie was funded by Taiwan (it was also mostly censored in China). Everyone makes such a big deal of the sex scenes, which are probably about 16 minutes of the total run time, but they are integral to the film. they convey so much emotion and impact that informs the events and plot points in the movie I can't imagine how you could watch it without them. that being said, it is only NC-17 because you see full frontal nudity. Bad Education got an NC-17 in the states too, just because it had a shot of a male emerging out of a pool in wet underwear and gay sex. the MPAA is full of shit.
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