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Old 2011.05.04, 02:13 PM   #596
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Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad View Post
I bet you'll still like that music, Turtle. You'll grow out of the "I'm too cool for that" stage.

For instance, I was a huge Spice Girl fan back when they were popular and I was in 5th/6th grade. Had all their albums and singles, excepting that last one because "Holler" didn't do anything for me. Or maybe I had just moved on. By the time that last album came out, I had already progressed down that modern musical road which would eventually lead me to now, listening to pretentious beyond pretentious stuff like The Dirty Projectors. (Mother of God.)
I never "hated myself" for liking the Spice Girls, I guess I always held a special place for them, but I tended to leave them off my musical tastes resume. True, I probably haven't listened to their albums since 7th grade (Mother of God.) But when they come up on the hits of the 90's satellite radio station, I turn it up; or if I'm trying to annoy, embarrass my girlfriend I can recall all the words to most of their songs.

Basically, "hating" (in any form) your self in the past is generally a bad idea. Unless you got mixed up in crime or drugs, things are easy to move on, but it's still good to pack that stuff with you and keep it. It made you who you are. Hence why it's just as upsetting to hear Shiina Ringo say that kind of crap.
I think I'm in love with you.

Leave it to the Spice Girls...

I pretty much am the same with most music. My iPod on shuffle is a real sight to behold, sometimes my friends are just like WTF is wrong with you.

Liking a song doesn't necessarily mean you need to concede it was the best song ever written. I can go out to a club and drink and have a grand old time singing along to all that shit music. I can also sit at home and brood to Akira Yamaoka OSTs. Or I can pump up MM or KZK and remember high school.

Ringo lived it so it is a bit different, but it makes me sad she has such regret for a time in her life that really created her as an icon. There would be no Ringo or Jihen today if she hadn't done all that, and that in itself shows its merit.

all artists reach a stage where they start to fight against irrelevancy. ringo is there, and rather than break out the greatest hits, she continues to try and break the mold, which I respect...but she doesn't need to create the opposite of what she created previously in order to do that.
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