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Old 2011.07.03, 03:08 AM   #133
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Originally Posted by chibijelly View Post
Okay, here I am. I just did another listen-through... And I have my verdict. I'm still not completely happy, but whatever. D: It has to happen eventually.

01. 天国へようこそ For The Disc
It's better than the original version. At first listen, I didn't like it, but now it's grown on me. It makes for a decent album-opener. The arrangement is cool.

02. 絶対値対相対値
Something's off about this - can't pinpoint what exactly. I want to like this, but I can't. Maybe it's her vocals? I don't know... I just don't like it.

03. 新しい文明開化
This track is amazingly fun and catchy. I'll never get tired of it.

04. 電気のない都市
Definitely the new 'tegami'... An absolutely beautiful track. I love the piano. Its placement is odd - it should've been the album-closer. I feel like it just gets lost amongst everything else.

05. 海底に巣くう男
I can't pinpoint why I don't like this as much. The bass is great. And the chorus is catchy.

06. 禁じられた遊び
Creepy-cool. All-around great track.

07. ドーパミント! BPM103
I never liked this song... The new arrangmenet is okay. Also - bonus points for snappage.

08. 恐るべき大人達
Love love love it. Everything about this is perfect.

09. 21世紀宇宙の子
So it's the new 'senkou shoujo'... I still love it.

10. かつては男と女
Funky, yet relaxing.

11. 空が鳴っている
Another track I will always love. It's so overly-dramatic with a great chorus.

12. 風に肖って行け
Very nice. Could've been another great album-closer. (Personally, I would just end the album here... because the next two tracks? No. They can leave.)

13. 女の子は誰でも

What are you even DOING on this album? I enjoy this song as a fun, fluffy b-side. But that's about it. It completely ruins the flow of the album.

14. 天国へようこそ For The Tube
I don't care how many versions of this song you throw at me - I still don't particularly enjoy it.

53/70 = 76% = C. I feel horrible about this. But yeah. I might like it more as times goes on... I'm just not feeling it yet. I tried.
7.6/10 is a bad score? That's higher than I would give it, and I don't feel horrible.
Disco! Life is dead

Last edited by deadgrandma : 2011.07.03 at 03:16 AM.
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