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Old 2011.08.09, 02:06 PM   #6898
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TurtleFu deserves a fucking medal

I think expecting Tori to make another Little Earthquakes is just bullshit. She's old now, she can be mellow. She bore her soul out in too many songs to count, she can calm down and stop sharing her personal life story and pretend to be somebody else. Just because Nick Cave can churn out more aggressive music doesn't mean everyone can or wants to.

I mean, that's a huge problem I have with music in general, all these expectations about the type of music an artist "SHOULD" put out just makes people ignore good music because they go "Tori should only do angry feminist chick daddy-issues songs! How dare she write a song about how much she loves her daughter!"

People forget that Tori is just as much a classical music fan as an angry post-modern feminist.

It's going to be a classical album. If you don't like classical music, you will not like the album. If you think Tori should only be an early 20's angry person, then you will not like the album.

I know! I was just listening to them yesterday and I was like "WHYYYYY did you stop getting produced by RIP SLYME!?"

YUKI's actually a really great example, because she went from punk-ish rock music to ultra-mellow adult contemporary.
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