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Old 2012.04.13, 02:01 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Akita, Japan
Posts: 31
Kingyohime has had more than 15 seconds of fame

I checked Kronekodow on a whim at work today and on seeing the announcement unthinkingly went "YEEEESSSS!" loudly enough to attract the attention of half the people in the office. I am freaking psyched; I never thought we'd get it so soon!

Originally Posted by jsmoove5 View Post
Probably a stupid question: what song is number 15 (ice-cream no uta)?? a cover?
Hardly stupid, I think. It's a cover, yeah, but a fairly obscure one, especially to a listener outside Japan. Ice Cream no Uta is a douyou (nursery rhyme/kiddy song; think The Wheels On the Bus, or that CD of songs about dinosaurs your parents would play in the car so you would shut up during long road trips). Ringo mentioned liking that song on an interview a few years ago. Its inclusion in Bon Voyage was one of the best surprises of the night. It may not have been much more than an interstitial, but damn it was a fun interstitial.
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