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Old 2012.04.26, 05:52 PM   #7668
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Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad View Post
I got the leak today too. Havent heard it yet (or any of the singles leading up to it.) I loved Family Jewels, so here's hoping!

Fiona Apple, I'm looking forward to; Garbage, I'm skeptical about. I didn't give their 4th album a spin, any good?

Family Jewels was definitely a grower. People criticized it saying the non-singles were too weak, but Are You Satisfied, Numb, and Hermit The Frog are on constant rotation in my music cycle.

Electra Heart had a bit of a lengthy production cycle with much concept and early interviews touted around, but if you have NO exposure to the whole Electra concept I'm VERY interested to hear your opinion. It is a definite move in a new direction for her, and almost the antithesis of The Family Jewels in a way. Where Family Jewels was her coming into her own, and her infatuation with the American Dream, this album is about becoming everything you hate, and she has actually partnered with Diplo and Dr. Luke and producers she has criticized openly int he press to actually MAKE what she called "bubblegum pop." So the music is a bold move, but I have been enjoying it so far. Definitely check out the deluxe edition. She released Radioactive last fall (non album track but first official single) and then the final version of Sex Yeah is pretty fantastic too....

unfortunately the early reviews are much in line with what they said during the Family Jewels. Make empty shit like MDNA and get praised...aim for anything higher and you get trashed by the "indie" reviews. Oh well. I still love her and think everything I've heard so far has been very well done, both lyrically and sonically. Finally some pop music with a hard edge and actual lyrics with a strong point of view.
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