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Old 2007.04.07, 06:32 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Maou View Post
Well, you can't expect great reviews for an album that's almost half rehashed material even if it does come together as a decent package.

I'd give the album a 7/7.5 or something in that range. I like it, but I don't love it. Meisai, Gamble, Sakuran, and Hatsukoi Shoujo rank as very good-great for me, but the rest of the album isn't really up to par. Yume no Ato was the great disappointment on this album for me since it's one of my favorite Jihen songs. It felt like it could be so much more. Oiran is simply one of my least favorite R/J songs.
(Sorry I took a while to reply. Been workin'. Also, this is not a bash at you, Maou, this is just something that's been bothering me. I needed to get it off my chest, and your post was just a catalyst. Don't take it like an attack, just an opinion yelled out at everybody.)

Well, I'm sorry for being such a weirdo and not really giving a shit if it's rehashed or not. Is it new enough to make me interested? Why, yes, indeed it is. Did she pick wonderful songs to redo, namely Yokushitsu? Again, a yes.
The moment people started posting reviews for this album, there was a huge load of bullshit (in my honest opinion) about it.

Oh em gee, it's not all new stuff!1 LETS GO CRY and rant and be a complete moron about it.

I think that people thought it was the return of Elvis in a Shiina sense and got their hopes up way too high--setting expectations that were unfair.

I enjoy these songs, they are fun to listen to and are technically lovely.
Her voice sounds so controlled and pronounced, even in times of rawness and screeching. The compositions were wonderful, being a fan of the orchestral, myself. I love hearing Shiina sing in other languages--I got English and French. What more could I ask for? Truly, what more can anyone ask from a respected artist than to produce artwork?

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