Thread: Mid Year Review
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Old 2012.07.21, 12:47 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Scribble R View Post
That's not true... there's a real mix of tastes here, I reckon. tl;dr away.

I'll say more later (and when I've actually listened to more 2012 music -- this thread helps big time -- and can cobble together some sort of opinion.), but in the meanwhile, stand outs for me on channel orange are the opener (the song after the Playstation opening), Fertilizer, Lost, Pink Matter, Rich Kids are the strongest tracks. Pyramids doesn't quite live up to the 9:00 minute hype despite a promising first half in my mind.

I like Forest Gump simply on the basis that it's a simple teeny love track sung by a man about a man. It also surprises me that hearing a man sing about a male love interest is still so surprising in this day and age.

Oh, I do like Sweet Life, too, but it was the one track where I thought it could have done with a better vocalist to drive the point home. Maybe because it was the more familiar sounding track out of all the good ones, not counting the influences in Super Rich Kids
Most of the time, it's a mix that doesn't include this kind of music. but you know whatever, at least I'm finally not the only one.

CO reminds me of older r&b albums lyrically. A lot of r&b has turned into complete raunch fests about grinding and blah blah blah, but this one takes it back to simple lyrics about love lives that aren't fully about the drama. Not only that but he takes things that I think a lot of people feel but don't know how to express, and Frank does so beautifully.

My favorite tracks are definitely Sweet life, Super Rich Kids, Bad Religion, Monks, Pink Matter, and Forrest Gump. They're all smooth, have good melodies, and have really nice little story telling like lyrics.

Pyramids didn't need to be like 9 minutes. That's all that needs to be said on that. Its okay, but it's not worthy of almost 10 minutes. I was really bored trying to make it through the entire thing.

Okay I'm not going to go much farther because now I'm lazy, but it's a great album and it's definitely one of the best to come out so far. All of my friends who never listen to anything in that range really loved it. It's overall just pleasing to the ear, and worthy of owning or at least having one listen.
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