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Old 2012.10.07, 03:19 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by TurtleFu View Post
Then why the "miss"? The "Miss" is the condescending part.

And anyone can tell that she isn't adopting the role of prostitute simply to say "Oh look at my sexy body and fap to me". A lot of her music really cleverly subverts the roles of women in Japan. Like, have you even listened to Shouso Strips lyrics? The whole album is basically about sex and how Ringo really messes around with the idea of female sexuality in Japan.
Alright then. English is not my first language and I was always taught that "miss" is a title of respect?......

Anyway, I don't pretend to be a male feminist and enjoy her music solely for artistic merit. She won me with her passion, and I don't see anything wrong with being obsessed with her the same way one's obsessed with a pop idol. If you aren't in love with her, your loss mate!

Regarding her lyrics, I've found them cryptic and are open to interpretations. For example, I find "Himitsu" a subtly seductive song, while another might say she's making fun of oversexed people who're indifferent to the suffering in the world. "Cleverly subverts the roles of women"? I'm not quite sure...That would be someone like tUnE-yArDs.
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