Thread: 2012 in review
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Old 2012.12.10, 03:17 PM   #23
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1. Sa Ding Ding- The Coming Ones- released June 3

Anyone who was around for this one landing will probably remember how much I went on about it at the time. I still stand by everything I said about this album, and feel that I like it even more since then. To my ears, this is definitely the best piece of music this year and still as amazing as ever.

Its an album that is immediately accessible, yet also needs repeated listening to reveal its intensity. I think the album I hear now is indeed a different album to what I heard the first time I heard it. Like the other Sa Dingding records, its an album of electronic intricacy mixed with traditional Chinese, Tibetan and Mongolian majesty. What’s different about this one however is how her vision is well and truly put into fruition for the very first time. It is in equal parts uplifting and heartbreaking, a truly deep, exhausting and ultimately rewarding album. I consider it a must own.

The structure of the album fascinates me, it is book-ended by two extremely powerful songs “Lai Zhe Mo Jie” and “Tian Lai Zhi Ai” which are emotionally grabbing in two distinct ways. The first leaves you absolutely shattered and exhausted and the last lifts you up and makes you feel uplifted. In between these two songs is where the magic really reveals itself on multiple listening. Listen how Sa Dingding’s voice just glides perfectly with the bouncy bassline on “Ru Ying Sui Xing” or get lost within the beauty of “Chen Ai Zai Ge Chang”, be flattened by the grace of the strings on “Qiu Xiang Yue”. The most crushing song on the album comes from its simplicity, the duet “Zhen Zhi Yan” featuring the most powerful vocals ever delivered by Sa Dingding in her entire career supported mainly by Chinese drums. First time I heard it I was thinking “The Dull Flame of Desire (Bjork Song)- eat your heart out.”

And the voice. Oh my the voice. Sa Dingding delivers easily the best vocal performance on any album I’ve heard all year. I feel like she is truly passionate about what she does, this is her swan song and the months of working on it (according to the making of) really shine through. A solid, soulful release that is damn near perfect. Sure, it’s overblown, pretentious and occasionally verges on new age, but it’s still honest and that’s what really matters.

For these reasons, and the fact that I plain just played the hell out of it ALL YEAR is why I’ve chosen it as Album of the Year. Hell, the best album of the past few years if you ask me. If you haven’t heard it, do yourself a favor and hunt it down. Just make sure you give it more than one spin for best results. Thankyou, Sa Dingding!

Best songs: all of it.

Lai Zhe Mo Jie

Ru Ying Sui Xing

Zhen Zhi Yan

Tian Lai Zhi Ai

So that's it, my top 10 of 2012 list. Hope you enjoyed reading it and I also hope it inspired you to check some of my recommendations out. Or at least inspired you to post your own top 10, I wanna see what everyone else dug this year!!!

So to recap my list:
10. Jane Zhang- Listen to Jane Z Live
9. Ichigo Ichie- Doku Ichigo
8. Deerhoof- Breakup Song
7. Oneida- A List of the Burning Mountains
6. Project UNDARK- Radium Girls 2011
5. Mariko Goto- 299792458
4. Meshuggah Koloss
3. Converge- All We Love We Leave Behind
2. The Shins- Port of Morrow
1. Sa Dingding- The Coming Ones

Yes I realize what a pretty weird list this has turned out to be :-p
Disco! Life is dead

Last edited by deadgrandma : 2012.12.10 at 03:32 PM.
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