Thread: Kominami Yasuha
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Old 2012.12.12, 08:44 AM   #29
True Final Boss
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Glathannus knows what you did last summerGlathannus knows what you did last summerGlathannus knows what you did last summer

Most artists have done their best work in their earliest years - while they still had their own opinion and/or something to prove. Nakata is no exception. Once upon a time, capsule was all about delightfully quirky music without any superficiality. The more that Nakata flaunts the image of women to sell his music, the worse his music has been. Perfume to me is a symbol of how much he has lost his way, because they're about selling music more than actually creating it. capsule eventually became infected by Perfumitis, where you can see the woman on the cover art, while the actual music is crap.

The early capsule years are the only material from Nakata that I'd recommend to people. The rest of his productions are overrated if they have any fans at all.
You know Tokyo Jihen is a supergroup, when you can't blame most of the members for wanting to pursue other projects.
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