Thread: Kominami Yasuha
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Old 2013.11.15, 02:41 PM   #45
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LoBFCanti is headed in the right direction

Originally Posted by deadgrandma View Post
When I look for similar artists I look for them with certain aspects but still enough of their own thing.

Currently there are 3 NEW SOLO Japanese artists worth following IMO

-Seiko Oomori
-Yasuha Kominami
-Maron Hamada

-All three of these kinda sorta represent certain elements that Ringo has covered in a fair extent or a small extent, or you can tell are just honestly artists that have been influenced by Ringo in their approach right up to their personal image.

-All three, while influenced by Ringo, still have their own identity and voice to bring to the table and can get my pulse going with their approach. They are all exciting and well worth the time of day (Seiko Oomori I would recommend to any serious music aficianado).

-All are in early stages and have huge potential to either go further or crash and burn. I cannot pick one that I'd say has a longer lasting chance (but Seiko Oomori's whole indie approach will probably get her a much bigger kvlt fanbase than the other 2).

Wakusei Abnormal are currently the most interesting new pop band in Japan to me. If their second mini album fixes on some of the mistakes they made on the first and goes more towards their sound rather than trying to be Jihen 2.0 like the majority of the first mini, I think this has great potential too.

That's my 2 cents on the current state of the music scene in Japan. Don't be a fool and give some of these a proper chance.
Gotta try Hamada know I'm already with you on the other goddesses
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